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Chapter 83
Sid: neet it wasn't your fault, you were too small
Avi: no, it was!
A tear rolled down her eye. Sid kept his one hand behind her neck and brought it to his chest.
Sid: it wasn't! You didn't even know what was happening, it's okay
She wrapped her arms around his torso and started crying. He was caressing her hair.
Avi: But now what do we do? I can't loose her,  she's now where to be found.
Sid: we'll find her and trust me she will be fine!
He broke the hug and kissed her forehead.
Avi: where do we find her?
Sid: I don't know maybe we should track her phone, I know how to
He took out his phone and tried to track her location.
Sid: it's switched off!! Ugh!
Avi: what would Naina Massi do if she was in her place?
Avi thought for a moment and said.
Avi: she might go to a person who has more knowledge about all this
Sid: Who might it be?
Both closed their eyes and thought for a moment. They opened their eyes at the same time and said in unison.
Sidneet: Dev!!!
Sid: how did we forget him!! He may know where she is
Avi: yeah but we don't have his number!
Sid: shit!
Avi: we can dm him on instagram!!!
Sid: yes but we have to find his account first
Avi: we'll search in following list of Aisha
Sid: you're so smart! Meri sangat ka asar😎
Avi: shut up
She took her phone and started searching for dev's account. In few minutes she got the account @/devjoshi28
Avi: got it!! I'm messaging him!
Sid: yes
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