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Chapter 39
2 Days Later
It was Sunday.
Avu kept ignoring Sid the whole time. Sid wanted to talk to Avu but she ignored it. Did felt guilty n he wanted to know that truth so he went to Ash n asked her about Isabelle.
In Ash's Room
Ash: look sid I won't lie Avi was saying the truth it's true that this mansion n the doll is haunted. Avu had suspicion on this that's why she called me here bcoz I'm a paranormal expert n we have also contacted with the spirit of Isabelle once with the Ouija board
Sid's eyes widen.
Sid: Ouija board? U mean that haunted game? It's real?
Ash: yeah it is u can ask anu too about it. She will tell the same thing.
Sid: Hmm
Ash: trust me Sid, Avi wouldn't lie to u about something like this
Sid looked down n nodded.
Sid: she is ignoring me from 2 days what should I do?
Ash(smirk): she is ur would be wife so u should think that now get out of my room I gotta get ready to go somewhere.
Sid: where r u going?
Ash: out with my school friends
Sid: okayy
Ash: and ya remember one thing Avi loves ice cream n surprises
Sid(Smiled): okieee thx for ur help Lil siso
Ash(smiles back): ur welcome big bro, bye
Sid: bye
Sid went back to his room.
Sid's Pov
Now I know what I have to do. Pov ends.
Avu was in washroom n after 2 mins she came out n saw Sid.
Sid: Neet
Avu(not looking at him,coldly): It's Avneet
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