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Chapter 55
She was confused that what was happening😂.
DB looked at Ash.
DB: have I seen you somewhere?
Ash(smiled): Maybe you have talked to me too
VA: DB you know her?
DB: I guess I have seen her somewhere you are............Aisha! Right?
Ash: yes
DB: Vibha Ji you have her then what's the need of me(anyone guessed that from which movie this scene is inspired?)
VA: means
DB: you have one of the best paranormal experts in your home(apni taareef😅can't help bcoz me ijj self obsessed😂😅)Then why you need me
VA(surprised): beta you are a para-
Ash: umm yes aunty I am
DB: so Vibha Ji where is Tara
VA: she is in servant quarters, Avu baccha pls bring her here
Avi: okay mom
Avu went to servant quarters and came back with Tara n RA.
VA(to Vaish): Vaishu Shre ko andar leja she is too small to see all this
Vaish: Okay(to shre)baby come let's go and play with your new teddy bear
Shre nodded
She picked her up and took Shre to her room.
In Living room
DB: where is Tara
VA: in servant quarters avu baccha pls bring her here
Avu nodded.
After a few moments Avu came back with Tara n RA. Tara was looking super scared and her hair was messed up like always
DB: so she is Tara
VA: nodded
DB: Tara come here
Tara shook her head
DB: come here Tara
Tara shook her head again
RA: baccha go
Tara shook her head
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