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Chapter 31
Ash: yes I am a paranormal expert and my work is to get people rid of spirits or in easy language u can say ghosts
Anu: Ok ok I'm trying not to freak out and panic but WTF!!! I mean we live in a house that is a haunted one and the doll with which shre plays is possessed?
Avu: yep it is
Anu: this thing can't get into my mind would u two mind explaining me that what the f is happening
Avu: ok fine so listen they narrated everything that happened after they moved into LMV
Anu: oh so that means the rumors about the house were right
Ashneet: yep
Avu: I guess we should head back to the canteen all might suspect us
Ashnushka: Hmm
They went back to canteen
Nothing much happened that day and the day went smoothly
Skips to next day
In Evening
Vaish & Shre went to shopping along with Abhi. VA went to meet her friend & Sid went with her. Only Avu Anu n Ashi were at home. Avu was having a headache so she was sleeping in her room. Ashnushka were watching TV
With Avu
She was sleeping but suddenly she heard a scary whisper “AVNEET” she woke up
Avu: what was that it's happening again I should tell to Ash.
She got up & was about to go back but suddenly she felt something overpowering her soul. She fell down on the bed unconscious and she saw something
In Her Dream
On the poolside of LMV a 14 year old girl was playing with her doll
Avu's Pov
IDK where I am wait this is......yeah....this is the poolside of LMV
Sorry for short chapter but I wanted to give only this much in this chapter bcoz the next chapter will be in Avu's Pov so I wanted to use one whole chapter for that.
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