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Chapter 81
Roh ran to the edge of the terrace to jump and was about to jump but.........









AU caught his hand and pulled him back before he could jump. AU slapped Roh as tight as he could.
AU(yells): ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MINDS. YOU CAN'T GIVE UP ON YOUR LIFE LIKE THIS. DID YOU EVEN THINK WHAT WOULD HAPPEN TO ASHU IF YOU, SHE LOST HER MOTHER AT SUCH A EARLY AGE AND NOW YOU WANT HER TO BE A ORPHAN?! She is just a child she is going through all this and you're making it harder for her!!!!(sighed)Rohit, I know what Naina meant to you but you can't give up on your life right? You have to help Ash come over the loss and for that you have to make yourself strong. I can't even imagine what you must be going through right now but you have to compose yourself
Roh weakly nodded.
AU: come here
He pulled him in a tight hug.
Back to AN n Kids.
AN: this chain will help you ahead ashu
Ash nodded
Avi: Nani when we will go home?
AN: Sonia beta you n Aman take kids home they must be tired
SA: no maa I'm not going anywhere leaving u alone, Aman n Rohit will go with kids I'll stay with you.
Kids went back home with their father.
After 2 weeks, AN passed away, 2 years later AU died in a car accident along with Faireem's parents. After a few years Roh died due to some health issues. Jaineet n Ash were 18 years old now, Ash became a paranormal expert like her mom and used to earn money from it. Jaineet used to miss all the people who they lost till now, Their childhood was filled with loss of loved ones.
Flashback Ends
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