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Chapter 47
Ash: no we can't as it has 2 spirits possessing it n if I try to know about it through the doll it can become aggressive n will try to kill me also it can harm u all
Avu: oh
Sid: ok then we should start finding something of Isabelle
Girls: Hmm
Ash: wait we shouldn't be alone it can try to harm us
Sid: ok so I n Neet will go together n u can go with Anu
Anu(smirk): why? U wanna romance with her when we're away
Sid: Ab umm u shut up me n Neet r going together & that's final now bye
He took her out with him.
Ashnushka also went.
All were trying to find something when Avu saw a photo frame in the basement. It had a picture if a family. In the pic there were 3 people. A girl about 13 years old. And a couple which looked like the parents of the girl's parents.
Avu: sidoo see this I think this can help us
Sidneet took the frame n went to Ashnushka.
Ash: ya this is it. We can use this to know about Isabelle's past now let's go to my paranormal works house
All except Ash: ok
All went to her house
There they went to the Same room in which last time they played Ouija game.
Ash kept the frame on table and sprinkled some holy water on it. Then she chanted some prayers.
Ash: Avi along with me u should know her past too bcoz chose u to help her.
Avu: ok
They both kept their hands on the frame and saw something.
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