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Chapter 86

Avi: Ash you're okay?

Ash: yeah don't worry I'm okay but for now I've called you all here for the next step we're gonna take

Anu: what step?

Ash: remember I told you about the new moon day and the blessed one

Avi: yeah

Ash: so Avi I guess the blessed one is someone among us

Sid: why do you think so?

Ash: because whatever hauntings has happened, happened only with us but I'm sure that the blessed one is someone between me, you or Avi. Because all the signals by Isabelle were give to the three of us.

Sid: Signals? I didn't understood

Ash: The burning of your old house was Isabelle's plan to get you two to LMV. And in my vision and also on Ouija board she gave me hints to know about her

Anu: so what are we gonna do now?

Dev: we're gonna use the Ouija board once again and this time it will be more dangerous as we will be doing it on the new moon day

Ash: Anu you have to get abhinavi, Vibha aunty and shre to a safe place, somewhere faraway from here, I'm saying it to you because I need Avi and Sid to do something other. Can you do it?

Anu: yeah I'll do it but should I tell them the truth or just make up an excuse

Ash: excuse will do

Dev: 5 days are left for the new moon day and Isabelle's anger for revenge is increasing day by day

Avi: Revenge? Her murders are still alive?

Ash: yep, I got to know about it through my vision. They're 40-50 now and Abhishek dada got the house on from them only but he didn't knew how evil those people are

Dev: guys for now you all have to wear the ring I'm giving you, it shines when a spirit is around. This isn't a permanent solution but for our safety we gotta use it

All: okay

All: okay

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The Ring

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