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Chapter 16
Faisu(nervous laugh): hehe😅
Ri: I n Anu r going in my car bcoz I want to spend some time alone with my girlfriend
Faisu: so sidneet will go together
All except Fainat: Sidneet??
Jan: Aree Siddharth+ Avneet= Sidneet
All except Fainat: Ohh ok
After sometime they left for drive Fainat n Jaireem in 1 car(Fainat in front n Jaireem on backseat), Rinushka 1 n Sidneet in 1
In Jaireem Car
Jai: Guys I think we should do something to bring sidneet close to each other
Faisu: ya even i was thinking about it but what should we do
Re: we all will think of a nice plan to bring them closer n discuss it tonight
Jan: Ok done
In Sidneet Car
Sid was driving n Avi was on passenger seat  Avu was taking glances of sid. Sid saw this n smirked
Sid(smirk): Avu I know I'm handsome but that doesn't mean that u will again & again keep secretly glancing at me
Avu: abb...um..vo...I wasn't glancing at u n ya if I had to see u I wouldn't do it secretly but I would stare directly
Sid(sarcasm): ok ok fine I believe u
Skips to evening
All had went back to their own houses
In Kaur Mansion
Avu was in her room when Sm1 knocked the door n asked *Can I come in *
Avu: come in(Sm1 Came in n shut the door)
Sm1(nervous): umm.....avu
Avu:ya say Re why r u behaving so shy n formal
Re: I want to tell u something
Avu: then say it(Re sat on Avu bed in front of her)
Re(in one breathe): Ijustrealizedthatilovejai&ilovehimmorethananything
Avu: what!!? Whoa OK Chill down girl n say it clearly I didn't understand a word
Re: I Just realised that I love Jai & I love him more than anything
Avu: Ok........wait what!!?(extremely excited) r u serious oh ok I really didn't expect this but Oh my Gosh I'm so freaking happy
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