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Chapter 33
Ash's Pov
I & Anu were watching a movie when I heard Avu scream. We both ran to her room & saw her shouting but her eyes were closed. We went towards her bed & tried to wake her up. Pov ends
Ash: hey Avu u ok?
Anu: Avi wake up
Avu(opens her eyes, panting): I...I..S-saw....h-her
Anu: who r u talking about?
Avu: Isabelle
Ashnushka: what?!!!
Avu: yeah(she tells them everything that happened with her)
Anu: I can't understand 1 thing
Ash: what?
Anu: why did Isabelle told the Avi is special
Ashneet: even i don't know
Anu: hmm
Avu: so what should we do now
Ash: after hear what Isabelle said I think there is something unique & special in u that's why Isabelle chose u to help her
Avu: what's special in me I'm just a normal girl
Ash: many things r there about us which we don't know ourselves but destiny tells us that
Anuneet: Hmm
Ash: don't worry guys I'll think of something
After a few minutes
Ash: Got it
Avu: Got what?
Ash: Ouija board
Anu: what!!?
Ash: its a board with which we can contact with the dead
Anu: Arey that Ik but isn't it too dangerous?
Ash: yeah it is but we don't have any other option na
Avu: but when should we use it
Ash: I guess at night but not here
Anuneet: then?
Ash: At a special place
Anu: where
Ash: that I'll tell later but be ready at 1:30 am tonight we r gonna sneak out
Anuneet: Jo hukum mere aka
Ash: chuckles
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