We'll go through this together

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She looked up at the dark ceiling, her full body numb with the drugs they induced into her body. Her eyes were so heavy that she had to fight to keep them awake. She heard the door creaking open and immediately her whole body shook in reflex. She wanted to shout. But she couldn't. Her throat was dry and hoarse and her voice would just not listen to her wishes. Perspiration ran down her forehead tickling her neck and arms. No. No. No. Was what her entire body was chanting desperately. She reluctantly forced herself to get up, propping her elbows against the cold ground for support, her body groaning in complaint. He approached her with silent steps as he always did, with his beady black eyes piercing into her soul. She took a deep breath and steadied her body and managed to croak out. "No....mo...re"
She took another deep breath and said the words she was never allowed to say. "Outs....ide" he raised an eyebrow. "You want to go outside? Now that's just stupid. We've told you before. You are not allowed to step out of this room" she shook her head slightly as her eyes reluctantly met the dead eyes of the man. "I.... Won't....run.....so please" the man smiled to himself and smirked. This was going to be interesting.

"Lynn? I'm sorry if the pictures bothered you. That's my fault entirely" Lynn turned around and gave Gon a smile. "No it's fine. It's been a long time since I've seen all those pictures. It just surprised me. How did you get a hold of those pictures anyway?"
"Ging" Lynn stood still for a while. "Hey I'm going out to get some fresh air ok?" She opened the door and walked out of the door, Killua and Gon staring after her, dumbfounded.

Lynn's POV
Ok. Ok. Breathe. Lynn breathe. It was just a little photo. Breathe. She was so involved in breathing that she bumped into Sienna. "Hey Sienna. I was just looking for you. I remembered something we have to do. We need to go him. Now" I looked at her with wide eyes, hoping that Sienna would get the message. I need to go. I need to breathe. I need to forget. Now. Sienna looked at me contemplating what to do. Then she quickly turned to Ging and muttered a quick goodbye and we both left Gon's residence

"What's wrong?" I slammed the door behind my back crouched on the floor my back against the sofa. I held my head in my hands and rocked back and forth. Breath. Forget. Breathe. Forget. I saw a flash of Lilianna hugging me, playing hide and seek with me, being there for me when mom and dad weren't around. Forget. Forget. You broke your. Promise Lily. Forget it. Forget it. The dead don't come back. You promised Lily!! Forget it. You promised you'll always be with me. "Lynn. Snap out of it. What's going on?"
"They....showed...photos...Lily" Lynn took a deep breath and steadied herself. "It's nothing. I'm fine now. I was just shocked. I needed to get out of there. Sorry for making you worry. I think I'm going to bed early" I walked into my room, threw my cellphone on the bed and slumped against the door. I'll be fine. I just need to focus on new things right now. Do not ponder on anything. I was interrupted from my thoughts when my phone buzzed. I frowned and crawled over to the bed and picked the phone up lazily. Killua.
Killua: Hey you ok? You left without saying anything.

Should I answer? If I do will he pry? I sighed and decided to reply.

Me: I'm sorry. I'm fine. I just felt a little sick. Sorry for worrying you.

Please accept it.

Killua: Alright. So what's up?
Me: How come your texting me? Not at Gon's place?
Killua: I left a little while after you went. Gon was worried about you and he thought he had brought up some unpleasant memories for you, so he pestered me to talk to you
Me: It's fine. I'm fine. I was just a little shocked you know
Killua: it's ok to say that you hurt you know

I stared at the screen with wide eyes. If Killua and I were talking face to face I doubt that he would have said this to me. I closed my phone and kept it on the nightstand. I wanted to say it. I wanted to tell him. I wanted to tell him that it wasn't ok. Feeling hurt. So many memories. They crush me. The happy ones. The sad ones. A buzz from my phone cut through my thoughts and I reluctantly picked up the phone.

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