Only you can set my heart on fire

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Killua's POV
I stared at Lynn bent down near her sisters grave muttering words through her lips, unraveling herself completely and just speaking her heart. I wondered whether I should do anything to show her that I was with her till the end. I saw her eyes brimming with tears and saw her shoulders slump, now feeling much more relaxed. A crackle brought me out of my thoughts and I stared up at the sky. I glared at the gray clouds and muttered a curse under my breath. Rain. Now of all times. I heard Lynn getting up from her position on the floor. I turned my back towards her, letting her have this moment.


That one word was enough for me to turn around. It was the tone that Lynn used which worried me. Her voice trembled and she sounded genuinely shocked. She stood there with wide eyes, her body shaking all over. I looked at the person she was looking at and immediately my eyes widened. This girl... She looked so much like the girl from the pictures. What in the name of.... Before Lynn or I could assess the situation, the girl turned and bolted through the cemetery, the hood of the trench coat dancing behind her, revealing her jet black hair. "Lilianna wait!!!" Lynn cried out before she took off running behind her. "Lynn!!" I ran after Lynn not knowing what the hell was going on. That girl was supposed to be dead.... Wasn't she? I was snapped out of my thoughts when I saw Lynn running towards the road, a car speeding towards her. "LYNN!!!" I grabbed her hand and yanked her out of the car's way as she fell on top of me, her hips straddling mine. I grabbed her flaying hands and held it place. She struggled against me, hitting, biting and screaming. "LET GO YOU BASTARD!!! DIDNT YOU SEE LILIANNA??!!! IF I DONT GO AFTER HER SHE'LL GET AWAY!!! I WONT BE ABLE TO APOLOGIZE!!! LET GO!!" Thank god there were no bystanders watching this scene or I could get arrested for sexual assault or something. I looked into Lynn's blue eyes. "LYNN!!!" She stiffened and looked at me. Her punches became weaker, her struggling became almost negligible as I held her arms. "Idiot. Idiot. Idiot" she muttered weakly as she threw those punches on my chest. She clutched the front of my chest as the rain came down slowly soaking our clothes. "Lynn you're getting wet. Let's go home and call it a day ok?" I whispered in her ear never taking my hand off of hers. "No" she muttered against my chest. "No"
"Lynn lets go-"
"NO!!" Lynn stared into my eyes as her tears and the rain mixed and slid down her face. "Lynn. It's fine. I'm right here ok?" I whispered agin in her ear and clenched her hand. She squeezed my hand back and I felt her tremble a little in the cold. "Lily. Lily. Lily" Lynn kept chanting over and over. I gently pushed her off me and and carried her bridal style, ignoring the way my skin tingled when she wrapped her hands around my neck and leant into my ear. "Killu...please..... Don't let go" I leaned my forehead against hers and whispered back. "Ya. I'm not letting go"

We walked back home slowly, completely drenched by the rain. I held Lynn in my arms, close to my chest and she didn't make any effort to remove her hands that clung to my neck as if her life depended on it. Once we reached my house, I gently laid her on the bed, ignoring the fact that the sheets were sheets getting wet. "That's not possible" Lynn muttered covering her eyes with her hands. Her black wig was thrown to the floor as blue hair sprung out, wet. She sat up and clutched the side of her head. "This is not possible. Totally not possible. This is a dream. Hallucination. Not real. Not real" I stood there, completely useless, staring at Lynn falling apart. I sat on the bed and stared at her intently. "You should go change. You'll catch a cold" I slowly brushed her cheek in an affectionate manner and she looked up. Time slowed down. My hand caressing her cheek gently as I looked into her earnest blue eyes. Why did she make me feel this way? My heart beat so fast. Why is she the only one that can make me nervous? I thread my fingers into her wet strands caressing her scalp. She leaned into my palm as she stared at me through half lidded eyes. Since when did I start leaving my heart open and wide? Since when did I start lowering my guard? Since when....did I want to touch a person this gently before? No. I thought as I leant in and brushed my lips against her forehead. I wanted to do much more than that.

I leaned back and sat away from her. I got up to leave but Lynn caught hold of my wrist. "Don't leave" she whispered. Please. Was the silent thing she said. I turned around and placed a hand on her hand. "Don't worry. I'll come back after I change into new clothes. That goes the same for you. Or I'll change here if you don't mind seeing me naked" I had said that to lighten the mood but I don't think it really worked. Lynn's eyes were downcast, looking at the floor. "Ok" she said removing her hand from my wrist.

Lynn's POV
When Killua left the room I became a complete mess. My mind was going a million miles a minutes. I don't know what was going around me anymore. Just when I thought my life was looking up, my supposedly dead sister came to visit my parents graves and these annoying feelings towards Killua. I didn't know what to call them. Friendship? Concern? Sympathy?....Lov- no way. No way in hell. But I don't think friends kiss each other on the lips. And Lily. That was not here. I'm sure of it. I saw her body for crying out loud. She can't be alive. But she looked so much like her. Damn it. I was frustrated because I didn't know how to describe my feelings. I was angry because I didn't know what was coming at me. I was just broken and tired of life because I'm just not able to move on from the past. It always haunts me. Wherever I go. Whatever I do. I can never escape.
I buried my head in my hands and massaged my scalp in order to calm my raging headache. I guess it's much more comforting when someone else does it...

"Sienna?" I clutched the phone in my hand. I didn't want her worrying. After all I'm still in Killua's house. "What is it Lynn?"
"Hey. I won't be coming home for a while. And when I come back... We need to talk" I didn't want her to know about me seeing someone who looked like Lily. She'd either tell me it was one of my hallucinations or tell me that I was imagining it. But I really didn't want to keep any secrets from her.
"Ya. I need to talk to you to. Call me before coming home k?"
"Ok" I ended the call and stared at the phone. What did Sienna want to talk about?

I quickly changed into a spaghetti strapped white dress which ended in my mid thigh. I heard a knock on the door and Killua emerged with a black button down shirt and khaki pants. We stared at each other slowly scanning each other from top to bottom. The way Killua looked at me with his warm green eyes made butterflies fly in my stomach. I still couldn't define this feeling. This utter bliss of being with him.

There were no words exchanged. None were needed to be. He quietly came and sat next to me on the bed. Both of us stared at each other. "You ok?" He whispered. "Hm" I whispered back. I moved forward, my knees brushing his thigh. I don't know why I do it. I'm like a moth attracted to flame. Whenever we touch or kiss, I feel like I'm being engulfed by flames. His flames. "Hey Killua? Is she alive?" I whisper. I don't know why were whispering. But we just do it.
"I don't know" he said as he pushed a wet strand of my hair behind my ear. The rain was making soft sounds against the window. The thunder crackled outside. I hate the rain. But.... This moment.... With him..... I....
Without thinking I leant forward, my breath ghosting over his lips as I looked him dead in the eye. Those captivating green eyes. His eyes were glazed as he looked into my blue eyes. I bring my lips closer to his ear and whisper. "Killua. What are we to each other?" I can't see his reaction nor do I pull away. I could feel Killua's nose tip touch my ear and I shuddered. "I don't know. But whatever we are.... I don't want to stop" he whispered back.
I'm being drawn to the flame and slowly burnt. But it's warm. It doesn't burn. It's so warm. "Only you can set my heart on fire Killua" I muttered under my breath, not knowing whether he heard it or not.

Hey guys!!!
Pretty short chapter this week I know
But wait for it
More Killynn moments to come
And before I go
A little warning
I might change the rating of this fic
So all u guys be prepared
Don't say I don't warn you😉
Until next time

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