A Different Perspective

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Lynn's POV

I closed my eyes and stood under the shower, my stiff muscles relaxing as the water flowed down my naked body. I willed my thoughts and suspicions to go away and forced my mind to relax and tried to remember something nice for a change. Like last night. Damn that night was amazing. Dancing all night with Killua, only two of us there, just overall freaking out and being ourselves. It was amazing. Well we never got much sleep but I think it was diffinately worth it, seeing the lazy smile on Killua's face as he hugged me close while lying down on the couch. He was diffinately tense and I guess I helped in my own way and I'm glad I could. I leaned against the cool wall the pressed my head against it. Today I made a decision. I don't think I'm not gonna like it. But I don't think it can really be helped. Something had to be done and if nobody was going to tell me anything then I'm going to find out. Even if it ends up destroying what I've built. But... I sank lower to the floor, my head between my knees, listenig to the continuous falling of water. I don't think I can survive after I've broken down again. And for the millionth time, I found myself doubting whether I should really go through with this.

Killua's POV

I was currently lying on the bed, staring at the ceiling, waiting fir Lynn to complete her shower. Last night... I had no words to describe how I felt last night. It just goes to say how much I need her. She could see that I was incredibly tense and she did whatever she could to help me out. Even though she's a little affected by my behaviour too. I know that. But... The doorbell inturrupted my dark thoughts and I sighed. How could it be this early inthe morning? Could it be..... No. Not him. Not now. I took a deep breath and headed for the door. I paused a little at the door handle and hesitated. C'mon!! Think positive. Its not gonna be HIM. I grabbed the handle and opened it to find...

Jienna and Gon.

I shot a look towards Gon and he quirked an eyebrow. "Hey Killua. Is Yuka here by any chance here?" Jienna asked making me forget my momentary bewilderment. "Yuka? Um... Ya. She is here" Finally Gon seems to have realised my delima. Lynn was here without the wig. Shit. "Um... You guys wait here. I'll be back" I went inside the room and locked it. I don't care about the perverted thoughts they're going to think. I slowly knocked the bathroom door and patiently waited to hear Lynn's voice from the other side. "Ya. I'm almost done"

"Lynn. We've got a problem"

"What is it?" I fidgited with my fingers and finally said,"Jienna and Gon are outside and you don't have a wig" For a while there was absolute silence. It actually git me a bit worried. "Lynn? You ok?"

"Ya I'm fine. I'll be out in a sec"
I opened the door and quietly slipped through, closing the door behind me softly. "She'll be out in a sec. So anyway what are you guys doing together early in the morning?"
"Well Jienna is crashing in my place for a while and she wanted to meet Yuka, but I told her that we should pick you up first. I didn't expect Lynn to be crashing at your place Killua"
"Stop with your perverted thoughts ok? We were only talking"
"Yup Killua is right. We stayed up all night talking" I turned around to see lean leaning against the closed door and trying her hardest to smile, her blue hair cascading down her shoulders. What is she doing here? I thought she was going to hide inside the room until I made Jienna leave.
The room was silent as Jienna took in Lynn's appearance with confused looks. It didn't stay that way for long. Her looks slowly changed from confused to troubled.
"Um... Sorry to ask.. But you don't happen to be Lynn Scarlet right?" I could see Lynn taking a deep breath and slowly nodded. Gon watched their interaction silently,meeting my troubled looks at times. The tension in the room was so high right now.
Lynn was leaning against the wall patiently waiting for Jienna to process all this. "This is got to be a joke right? What are you doing to Killua's house and where's Yuka?"
"I am Yuka Jienna. Well... I think you should sit down for this" despite her confusion and fear, Jienna sat down on the sofa a little away from Lynn. Lynn nodded and smiled in my direction. I nodded to Gon and both of us left the room, worried about what will happen after all this.

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