Revisiting old memories

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Gon's POV
I woke up feeling sore all over. My neck was stiff and my head felt like it weighed a ton. Dammit. I slowly opened my eyes, squinting at the brightness of the room. I remember closing the curtains before I started doing my homework... I slowly sat up and rubbed my sore neck. Looks like I dozed off while doing my homework again. I sighed. I stretched my sore muscles and frowned when I noticed a quilt put over my shoulders. "You awake kid?" I turned towards the voice. I blinked in surprise when I saw my dad Ging Freecs leaning against the doorway, wearing casual black slacks and white T-shirt. Killua always said we looked so alike that we could be mistaken as brothers. "Dad?" I said still not believing my eyes. He was mostly busy with work, and always going to various places. Well. I don't really mind. I'm just glad he spends time with me when he's at home. "Yup. It's me kiddo. What? Why are you looking at me like that? Just because I came back a little early doesn't mean you get to forget about my presence." He folded his hands against his chest and smirked. I smiled. "Well. You just surprised me is all dad. Anyway. Welcome home." I walked towards him and hugged him. He gently patted my head. "I'm back kiddo. Anyway I got you some breakfast. Wanna eat?" I nodded my head eagerly and followed him out of my bedroom.

I sat quietly at the dinning table, eating my bacon and eggs and slowly sipped my orange juice. "So how's school?" My dad asked as he quirked an eyebrow. I took a deep breath. "Well. Nothing much. Just me and Killua messing around."
"Messing around? I hope you boys aren't messing around with girls." His eyebrows narrowed as he looked at me. I chuckled and looked at him "Nah. I'm not like that dad. And neither is Killua." Well, not really. My dad seemed relieved with my answer as he leant back against his chair. "You know about Killua dad. He hates his very own fangirls."
We were interrupted as there was a knock on the door. "I'll get it" I jumped out of my chair and raced to the door. I threw it open and I got my forehead flicked. "Ow!" I said rubbing my sore spot. "Killua!! You've got to stop doing that!" I said as I looked I glared at my best friend. He smirked. He was in his uniforn, up and ready for school. "Well I really find it amusing to annoy you" laughter erupted from behind us as my father came towards the door and leaned on it. Killua's eyes widened in surprise. "Why is the reaction I receive always the same?" He said as his eyebrows knitted together and gave an amused smile in Killua's direction. Killua rubbed the nape of his neck. "Well. Gon told me you won't be coming for two weeks... So I was just surprised Ging-San" Dad laughed and ruffled Killua's hair as he pouted. It was days like this that I felt that I could be happy no matter what happens in the future.

Lynn's POV
I ran down the alleyway with a smile on my face. They're going to be so surprised! I thought as I quickened my pace. I was breathing hard and blue hair stuck to my face, but I didn't care. I just wanted to go home and tell my parents!! They're going to be so happy!! Maybe this can wipe of the sad looks they give me. Just maybe. I skidded to a stop in front of my house and knitted my eyebrows together. Something was wrong. I could feel it. I can feel something sinister. I raised my hand to knock the door but gave it a second thought. I wanted to surprise them. Maybe I should go through the backdoor? Mother might get a shock but I'm sure anything is better than the sad looks she has on her face. I nodded to myself and ran towards the back door. I slowed down my pace as I stared up at the sakura blossom tree growing in our backyard. The petals were slowly dancing to their own rhythm in the night air, filling the air with its pink petals. I always found this tree to be....amazing. Mother said I would always be drawn towards that tree even when I was a kid. It just made me feel happy to see the petals dance in the air. Free. I wish I could be like that. Free. Dancing in the air. Free of my sorrows. My pains. But I knew that life was just not like that. And I learnt to accept that. I was brought out of my thoughts when the pink petal that landed on the ground started changing colour. When did it lose it's pink colour? When did it red? Like.... blood. I slowly turned my head and saw a puddle of blood on the soft green grass of the lawn. My eyes widened. What happened here? I approached the puddle with slow cautious steps. Whose blood was that? I looked at the sakura petals on the floor, soaked in the red color of blood. When did these petals lose their beauty? I heard a crash from inside. My brow was lined with sweat. Is mom and dad ok? Was all I could think as I stood rooted to the spot. My whole body was shacking with fear. What should I do? When the next crash came, I pushed down my fears and ran towards the back door. I opened it and bile rose to my throat as I took in the sight before me. The antique pieces my mom loved so much were now nothing but shattered pieces on the floor. The kitchenware was scattered on the floor. Out family portrait laid on the floor, it's glass shattered and forgotten, covered in blood. But the sight that made me nauseous were my parents. They laid there, motionless on the floor. My mothers blue hair was stained with blood and her face was pale. There was a knife sticking to her side with blood gushing out from the open wound. My father was on top of my mother, lips blue and pale with blood oozing from his side. They're eyes were wide open with tears. Where they dead? My knees buckled as tears ran down my cheeks. I couldn't breath. Who did this? My breath became irregular as my sight blurred with tears. Why did they do this? I crawled over to my parents and touched the knife stuck to moms side. Who did this? I grabbed the knife and yanked it out. I glanced down at my hands. They were stained with their blood. I let out a strangled cry as I looked toward the front door. There was a person standing there. The murderer? It was a girl. Holding a knife. With blue hair identical to mine. It was...... me. The next thing I saw was darkness.

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