By your Side

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Gon's POV
My vision swam in red. Pure white descended from the heavens and immediately turned a dark shade of red as they came into contact with the area surrounding us. The red blood tainted everything around it. My dress and hands were completely drenched, my body was feeling so cold but all I could feel was lips close to my ears, her caressing my neck. My eyes were on her face, which was quickly turning paler by the minute.

"I love you"

I could feel my face becoming wet as her body went limp but her smile was still in place. The way her eyes sparkled, the way she just looked so hauntingly beautiful, made it hard for me to believe her life was slipping away. I held her closely and my heart ached and tears cascaded down my cheeks as I bent down to kiss her lips. I was blind to anything but her. I was deaf to everything except her sweet voice. I clung to her like a child never wanting to let go. "Jienna-"

"It's ok-" Her eyes slipped shut slowly, like the binds of a window slowly shutting of even the tiniest beam of light plunging everything in a world of utter darkness. I guess I screamed somewhere down the line. My throat was burning, my mind was a mess, it was so dark and I was losing my mind. Cold hands came into contact with my exposed hands and I pushed them back my behaviors feral.

I laid Jienna gently on the floor and my mind drew a blank. I was so lost. I lost everything all at once. It was so pathetic. I pictured her smile. I pictured her promising to be there. I pictured her small and lonely, starved for love and afraid to give up hate. I went back to that time when she sneaked into my room, her gentle fingers dancing across my forehead creases making my fears go away. I wanted more of that touch. I wanted more of that love that she so innocently displayed.

Now without that... I was terrified.

I pushed away the cold hands once more and scratched and screamed when those hands multiplied. I felt so damn claustrophobic in that one moment. Hands snuffing out my breath. I could feel the cold needle piercing my skin.

A fake relief flooded through me, my nerves stopped their tingling and my mind stopped making those God awful noises. I could feel them catching me and I saw Jienna one last time, blood covered and eyes closed. If this is how dying feels like.. Then I guess I would like to die rather than live. It's so much quieter and much less painful.


Lynn's POV
The first thing that invaded my senses was the overwhelming scent of medical alcohol dancing in the air.
"Oh Lynn...." A fleeting voice. A distant memory.

It was the ever comforting voice and a constant support. Yet now it was so shattered and vulnerable. The voice trembled and chocked on her words. My eyes felt heavy. My whole body felt violated.

What happened?

I slowly opened my eyes and saw Sienna, her blond hair a mess and her white Tshirt stained with red. My eyes widened. Every single memory associated with that color came back. My parents lying limp on the blood stained floor.... And.....
"WHAT HAPPENED TO JIENNA??!!" I sat up and looked at Sienna's sad eyes. She had tears in her eyes, biting her lip and averting her eyes. "Lynn-"
"Nothing.. Happened to her.. Right?"
Sienna reached for me, her eyes filled with fear and remorse. Her lips trembled. "Lynn-"
"Where is she?"
"In the ICU"
I pushed aside my sheets and exited the bedroom I was placed in.

I walked mindlessly through the corridors taking in the hospitals plain white walls, filled with grieving people. I shook my head. I didn't want to revisit the number of times I came here. I ran, my feet wobbly at first but growing more determined along the way. I didn't know where I was going. I didn't know where I wanted to go.
I just... Didn't want to lose anyone.

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