Chapter 42

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Evan and I lay on the bed side by side, him on the right and me on the left. My right elbow propped up my hand as I played with his left hand that was propped up as well. Kamila sat on the TV stand, fast asleep.

He was doing his best to explain why he kept to himself so much.

"My parents were never there for me so it wasn't like I would trust them with anything..." He explains. "And I didn't really have any friends that I could tell things to. I made that mistake once and I learned from my mistake."

I intertwine our fingers so I'm holding his hand. "I would never..."

"I's just hard to open up to anyone when all this time I've learned to bottle it up inside me. I do trust you but I'm still getting used to it."

I turn my head to look at him. "Don't force yourself to tell me your life story. I just want you to feel comfortable and trust me to tell me things."

"I do trust you, more than I have trusted anyone else before." He says and meets my eyes.

My lips turn upward into a smile. I let go of his hand and turn onto my stomach so I can snuggle closer to him. My left arm drapes over his stomach and I rest my head on his shoulder. He wraps his left arm around my back.

"I trust you too." I say and laugh, "It took a while but I do."

"Hey, this is a big deal. Don't laugh at me."

My smile drops. "Sorry."

Evan pulls me closer to him. My nose was close to touching his neck but not quite.

He was finally opening up to me! I was ecstatic! He trusted me and was willing to tell me things he's never told anyone before. At least he was trying to anyway. I know it's hard for him but it's just the effort he's making that I appreciate.

"What did you talk about with that guy in the house?" I ask.

"Nothing that much. He asked me what my life was like as a devil and I gave a brief explanation. He said he couldn't believe not all devils were heartless or something like that. It was a short conversation. He talked with Xavier and Levi more so you should ask them what that was about."

"Okay." I kiss his cheek. "I know you're not heartless."

He looks down at me. "Why are you so good to me?"

I push myself up with my right elbow. "Because you deserve it."

He smiles and pulls me into a kiss. It was soft and sweet. Nothing was rushed. I could kiss him without the worry of being rejected by him again. I liked this.


I floated along the trees until I came to a clearing. Two men stood facing each other. I immediately recognized them as the leaders of the devil and mischief fairies realms. Was another war about to be proclaimed?

As I floated closer, I noticed both men were smiling. What is going on?

"You guys aren't so bad." The leader of the devils said.

"Not so bad yourself." The leader of the mischief fairies replied.

"I never would have thought we could go ten minutes without trying to kill each other."

"Me too. So, what do you say to a truce?"

The mischief fairy leader holds his hand out. The devil leader smiles and firmly grasps his hand for a handshake. "Truce."

No way. They just made an official truce between each other.

Suddenly, the two men fade away and two different men replace them. They held the same handshake position as the other guys but it was the dragon leader and the angel leader.

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