Another update .-.

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Hey guys! I have no idea if you guys even read this... But I have a lot of reasons as to why I haven't updated
1) I have no idea where I am going with this story although I'm determined to finish it.
2) School has been a pain in my ass
3) I'm moving houses soon and don't know how I feel about it (I'll be moving at the end of April)
4) It's crazy how many birthdays are in February and March (including mine on the 20th of March)
5) Today is my grandmothers birthday, the one that passed away a couple of years ago and each year I take it hard.

I just hardly have time anymore and when I do I am either trying to study and get better with my math since I suck or maybe fit in an hour of gaming and supernatural (I am loving this series, up to season 6 since I started in December)

I hope you all understand and respect my reasons, and I have also been writing a new book which I believe is better than this one. Once I complete this book I say THERE MIGHT BE A SEQUEL! Only if I feel like it.

Love you all my little cupcakes
~Rene (Ren) <3

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