Chapter 2

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Okay I'm so sorry for taking a while and there is no excuse for it. So I will try and update ASAP.


Violet Rose Paw POV:


Pain was all that I could feel right now.

Over the years I have managed to ignore the pain that was building up below the surface but with this recent development the pain has rose up once again and I can’t stay here any longer. I rush upstairs, taking them two at a time, until I get up to my ‘room’-if you could call it that. Being the pack slave also included the lovely attic as your retreat since, as my sister says, “No one wants to see the ugly body and face of a disgraceful slave like you.”

Dear Blood-Moon Eclipse pack,

I have decided to leave the pack since I no longer want to be your punching bag.

Jace, Alex and Sky, I love you three and will always think of you wherever I end up but I cannot stay here any longer.

Tyson, I’m sorry for being your mate and I am sorry for being a disgrace to the pack. I will always remember the words of rejection you spoke while f**king my sister.

Finally, my dear sister Carlee, I know you have to perfect body so I’m sure you’re happy about having Tyson. The only family I had was sky, Alex and Jace.

I hope you all have a better life without me,

Violet- the pack slave.

After finishing writing my letter the pack, I began to pack the few possessions that I own: my nicest clothes (though even they were ripped up), a photo of my parents and I looking happy- taken the day before the my were killed- and a locket that says, ‘We will always love you, Violet, no matter where we are, we are a family’. When my few belongings are stowed away safely, I zip up the bag and placed it next to the window.

I ensured that it was early morning when I left so that nobody would see me. I placed the note on my bed for the pack to find and double checked that I had everything before picking up my backpack and jumping out of the three story window. Pain shot up my legs from the impact of landing on the hard ground, my ankles feeling as though they were about to snap. I mentally curse the pack for keeping me so weak and not feeding me. I often found myself smuggling food out of the kitchen when no one was watching so I didn’t starve to death.

I ran straight to the garage where the pack keep all of their cars and motorbikes. I look around the lot and an evil smirk rises onto my face when I spot my mate’s motorbike nearby. I swing my leg over the bike and pull on the helmet attached to the handle bars. I knew the bike was expensive and very rare, a Porcupine. It’s a 1954 AJS E95 motorbike is rare since only four units of this bike were produced. I revved the engine and as the bike roared to life I sped off into the distance with not a clue where I was going to end up.

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