Chapter 25

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I drop the note and start to shake life a leaf. I press the buzzer and call for Tyson. He and a nurse come barging in to see if I'm alright. Tysons eyes lock onto mine as he sees my scared features. He looks down at the note on the floor and picks it up. The nurse ushers me into bed muttering that I shouldn't be out of bed for another 2 days. Tyson starts to tremble in fury as he stomps out of the room, note in hand. Damn it. This war determines whether or not the werewolf species has a future or not.
Well. I'm fucked.

Tyson Alexander Hunter POV:

Later that evening I held a meeting with all the high members and Skype the elders over the matter at hand. I am still furious at Carlee, the woman who I thought I was in love with. I was young and foolish not to accept Violet and I'm not planning on loosing her again.

"Like I said, we need to call our allied packs to start war!" Rages my third in command, Parker as he slams his hands on the desk in front if him and stands up.
"Like I said, we have to call our allied packs to take care of the women and children so all the men won't get distracted by their mates and children's safety!" Argues my Beta Jace with the same amount of anger in his dark blue eyes which are turning slightly purple the angrier he gets.

I rub my temples in frustration since the room is in chaos. The Alpha and Beta of the Shadow Pack are here trying to calm everyone down while Noah and Shawn are sitting there with equal glares towards me pretty much saying "If you don't do something these people will shift and annihilate each other" Of course they are right, I need to shut up these people.

"SILENCE!" I demand, using my alpha tone. Everyone looks towards me and sits down in submission. The Shadow Pack aren't affected by me but listen anyways. "Your arguing is doing NOTHING to help my mate in the hospital, your future Luna and a sister. As you all know she has recently been sent a note by her own sister Carlee." I hold up the note in my hand as the whole room growls. "Carlee is declaring war on the whole werewolf race and we have 1 month to prepare for it."

The room erupts into chaos once more. Saying things like "One month isn't enough time to train!" or "What's for dinner tonight?" That last one happened to be Noah, but I'm sure that question was directed at Kieran beside him. Since Shawn is Vi's guardian and a high ranking Kieran was also allowed into the meeting.

"SHUT UP EVERYONE!" Calls Jace from beside me. Once again the room goes quiet. Jace turns to me and nods his head motioning me to continue. "We have enough time if we are to train all men from the ages 15 to 45. We need to ask our allies for help since we don't know what Carlee is planning so we need to be one step ahead of her. All the children and women that aren't fighting will stay Alpha Felix's pack for the time being, if that is okay with you?" I ask. He nods his head and smiles.

"Of course they can stay with us. My pack will also help to fight along side you. Anything to help my daughter, even though she isn't by blood she is family to the pack, myself and my wife." I mouth a quick thank you and turn to the rest of the table.

"Are there any questions towards our preparation for the war?" I ask eyeing everyone in the room, challenging them to disagree with it. Nobody moves so I turn towards the laptop on the far side of the table. "Do you agree with the terms of this plan and preparation elders?"
"We agree with you and also see challenging times ahead for both you and Violet." Speaks Elder Paul who speaks on behalf of the elders and can sense the future. Not see it but can feel what if going to happen. Out of all 7 of the elders he has to be my favourite.

"Thank you for your time-" I get cut off as Violet suddenly barges through the doors.
"My love, you aren't supposed to be out of bed and this is a private meeting." I tell her, feeling uncomfortable with her only in a white nightgown.
"Rouges, they came with a message." She panted as she handed the note in my direction. I run over to her and check her over to see if she is okay. "Ty, I'm fine. Just read the damn note!" She demands me. I carefully open the note and read it.

We are coming

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