Why I haven't uploaded, in sooo long

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Hey guys, I feel as though I owe you all an explanation as to why I haven't uploaded a proper chapter in what feels like forever. You guys have been so patient with me so I feel as I should explain what has happened. I don't know how many of you know but I have a handsome boyfriend, his name is Lochlan (everyone calls him Lochie) but I type his name as Loki, anyways! We had been dating for 2+ years and we broke up Thursday morning, 2/7/15. I was so hurt and it was the start in my holidays. So for the next week I was crying almost non stop and only a couple of my friends knew. He and I are still trying to be friends which is good I guess. I finally started to accept the fact we broke up Sunday afternoon, I had stopped crying and actually started to feel happy... That lasted until Tuesday morning when I couldn't sleep, it was the first day back at school and I was both nervous and excited. I was nervous because of what a couple of my friends would think and excited to see him. He pretty much ignored me. And I almost broke down 5 times that day.

The reason I didn't tell you guys sooner was because I didn't feel well enough to tell you guys, and now I feel a bit better since he isn't at school today. I won't see how handsome he got over the holidays, the way he cut his hair or got taller... Another reason why I didn't tell you guys was I thought it would be horrible if my friends found out over wattpad and not in person, especially Berlinda, my friend since year 7. I hope you can understand guys why I haven't uploaded, I just wanted to update you guys... It took me a lot of courage to write this chapter for what... 578 followers?!? WHICH IS AMAZING I LOVE EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU <3

Love you my little cupcakes,
René (Ren) <3
*Gives kisses to all*

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2015 ⏰

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