Chapter 27

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To Tyson, When are you gonna start actually trying to win her back? I don't think waiting will cut it.

Tyson: "Well, I was kinda going to try and take her on a date, better one than that pup Shawn" *Starts growling* "I want to show her that I really do care for her and really want to be her mate. I will ask her soon."

To Violet, What other powers do you have?

Violet: "Well, there are quite a few. There is telekinesis which can be really fun, mind reading which I hate using, reading people which is like, I know when they're lying or being honest so it is almost impossible to lie to me. Those are the ones I know but I'm sure there are more."

To all the characters, does the Moon Goddess have a name?

Violet: "Yeah she does, her name is Seline"

Shawn: "Awww are you two on first name basis now? I wanna meet her now!" *pouts*

Kieran: "I thought her name was Artemis?"

Shawn: "No, definitely Seline, have you read NONE of the stories babe? If not I will have to educate you on what she made."

Violet: Seriously? Not again. No more flirting!"

Tyson: "Who said something about flirting? I will have you know I am the flirting Ki-"

Violet: "ANYWAYS! Moving on, since this got a bit out of hand, yes. The Moon Goddess' name is Seline."

To Violet, who does the dumbest things?

Violet: "Definitely Shawn and Noah. Those two tricksters. Even. Though we are like brothers and sisters they definitely act it. Either being protective or being a brother by pranking me. One day, in Felix' pack a guy tried hitting on me and as Noah was yelling at him Shawn brought a lamp out of the house, did a cliche war cry and smashed the lamp over his head. I felt sorry for the poor guy."

To Carlee aren't you worried about what happens when you find your mate?

Carlee: "No, not really. He would probably reject me anyways, and even if he claim he "loved me" I would reject him since I'm in love with Tyson and that little brat Violet isn't going to get in my way."

Cara, what did you think about your brother once you learned he was gay?

Cara: "I was fine with it, I have gay and lesbian friends and I don't care if he was gay or straight, just as long as he is happy I'm happy. It's all I care about."

Kieran, were you ever going to tell your sister?

Kieran: "Of course I would tell her. She is my sister and my best friend. For a while all we had were each other and we have an extremely strong bond most siblings ignore."

Carlee, why do you hate your sister and wants her mate?

Carlee: "She doesn't deserve him. She is worthless and killed our parents. She did nothing to save them. NOTHING! She doesn't deserve a strong alpha like Tyson."

Carlee, Why not look for your own mate and be happy?

Carlee: "I love Tyson with everything in me. The plus side is the fact he claims to be Violets mate. I can destroy Violet by killing her then I can pick up the pieces from Tyson's heart."

Carlee, why do you want to have a war and fight with the people you grew up with and didn't harm you in anyway?

Carlee: "I never cared about any of them. They all adore Violet now, ever since she came back. She stole MY light. Violet destroyed my status. I was the popular one. She ruined everything and she is going to pay, and so is everyone else."

Carlee, why are you such a hateful b*tch and feel the need to destroy everything?

Carlee: "I was born this way baby"

Violet: Do you believe in Man-Eating-Unicorns?

Violet: "I believe in the majestic unicorn race, they do exist you know? Vampires exist, werewolves exist and definitely unicorns. But I haven't seen one sadly. Man eating unicorns? No. I don't believe in them."


Violet: "Shut up you too. This question was to me remember? Or I'll just show them your baby photos Shawn."

Shawn: "You said you got rid of those."

Violet: "I lied. Anyways! No. I don't believe in them."

Felix: "Sweety, they do exist."

Jasmine: "Vi, you really need to read more about the histories of the supernatural"

Violet. "Fine. They exist. Is everyone satisfied?"

Everyone: "Very."

I hope you all liked these answers! I waited for a while to update this because I was waiting for questions to pop up :) if you have a question just pop them in the comments and I'll answer them... Well... The characters will ;)

PS: Thanks to NeonLights1404 for making both of my covers above! One as my main cover and the other on the side banner

Love you my little cupcakes!

~Rene (Ren)

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