Chapter 24

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Before this starts very long authors note at the end. Please check out jyotipatelammu. She has an amazing book and I really enjoyed it!


I can feel a smile starting to form on my face until I think of my sister and my smile turns into a frown. If Tyson was in love with me, or is, he should at least of thought that I would take it hard. I need to tell him when he wakes up, that is going to be a long talk. For now ill enjoy seeing my mate sleep peacefully.

Violet Rose Paw POV:

For the next few hours I just watch Tyson sleep. Not in a creepy way, I hope but he looks so innocent when he sleeps. No worries and drama and sleeping makes him look a lot younger.

I see Tyson start to stirr in his seat. I guess he didn't want me to feel uncomfortable with him next to me. He opens his eyes to reveal his gorgeous blue orbs I loved from the day I met him. He smiles when he sees me so I smile back.

"Morning Tyson" I speak for the first time in a few hours. Even though it hurts to speak from my injury I will speak to make him smile. Where is all of this coming from Vi? You like him but you don't love him.

"Morning Vi, how are you feeling? Is your throat hurting? Do I need to call in a doctor?" He says in a panicked tone. He really does care about me. But he can also be acting it.

"Tyson, calm your tits i'm feeling fine. It hurts to speak but i'm still alive, thanks to you" I say confidently at first but then I turn shy.

"And I would do it all again if it even risks my own life." I roll my eyes at his cheesy line but I can't help but feel butterflies errupt in my stomach. Seriously Vi? Again? He doesn't want you.

"Why did you save me Tyson?" I ask in a whisper but I know he heard because of our inhuman hearing.

"What do you mean why did I save you? You are my mate! It's what I am supposed to do." I stare at him to see if he is lying but I can tell he is being completely truthful and honest.

"You didn't want me as a mate before so why should I know you want me as a mate now?" I ask. I really hope he isn't playing with me since I don't know how much more heartbreak I can take.

"If this is about Carlee, she and I are done. Finished. I broke up with her as soon as you were in your hospital bed getting treated. I don't want anyone else BUT you Violet Rose Paw. Please give me another chance. You are all I have left." I see him pleading with his eyes and holding both my hands. This is a really big decision. He could break my heart if I start a relationship with him.

My wolf is howling and dancing because he and his wolf have accepted us. I turn around and say.

"I will need some time to think this over. You have hurt me before and I need you to be there for me. You did save my life and I am grateful for it but 1 act of kindness doesn't make up for all the things you have done in the past, I hope you respect that." I say in the most confident voice I can muster. He looks and nods his head in understanding and walks out of the room. My wolf growls at me in anger and shuts me out since she knows I won't change my mind but I can't help but think. Was that really the right thing to do? Should I have said yes and gone straight into a relationship with him? I rest my head against my pillow in frustration and close my eyes.

I wake up as I hear my door suddenly slam shut and shoot out of bed too quickly. I probably slept in an awkward position because my neck hurts like a bitch. I see a note on my bedside table. I pick it up and begin to read it.

Dear my dearest sibling,

I have written this message to inform you that you aren't the only one with special magic from the Moon Goddess. I am your other half in a way of speaking. The evil side in other words. As you are always the "goodie goodie" and I'm always the girl that gets into trouble. I am declaring war against you and the werewolf species. I will give you 1 month to prepare your troops for battle. Just because you have Tyson now doesn't mean you will have him forever. One day he will be MINE and I will rule!

Love your dearest sister and rightful ruler,

~Carlee Mia Paw

I drop the note and start to shake life a leaf. I press the buzzer and call for Tyson. He and a nurse come barging in to see if I'm alright. Tysons eyes lock onto mine as he sees my scared features. He looks down at the note on the floor and picks it up. The nurse ushers me into bed muttering that I shouldn't be out of bed for another 2 days. Tyson starts to tremble in fury as he stomps out of the room, note in hand. Damn it. This war determines whether or not the werewolf species has a future or not.

Well. I'm fucked.

Hello my little cupcakes! I know it's been a very very long time! Writers block can be a bitch sometimes! I've had a lot of things on especially when I've just started tutor. I MADE IT INTO YEAR 9 EVERYONE *mini celebration* Now for the main reason I haven't updated. My uncle is in hospital. I am very close with him and to be told that he is in hospital. I cried for days. He fell down his stairs and has internal bleeding in his brain. He has slight amnesia. It's sad because at first he thought he lived in the hospital. I haven't seen him since I have a fear of hospitals but will be visiting him soon. I have calmed down and are able to write during the holidays since my friends at tutor have given me some new inspiration and ideas! Thanks guys! And thank you guys for being so patient with me.

I really do hope this chapter makes up for lost time? Hehehe right? *silence* okay. Um so goodnight everyone! Updating at 3am is a pain!

Love you all my little cupcakes! <3

~Rene (Ren)

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