Chapter 6

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Violet Rose Paw POV:

~~~~Four years later~~~~

The past four years of my life have been perfect. I have two awesome best friends, Noah and Shawn, who are my two partners in crime. I have come to terms with the fact that I am the Moon Goddess' daughter. She is the creator of all the werewolves and destined mates for everyone. I still don't understand how I ended up with my mate but that was what the Moon Goddess said and I am not one to disagree with what she has decided. I have forged a badass façade but inside I still can't forget my past. I try my best to forget but I will never be able to forgive them for what they did to me.

At the moment I am lying on my bed (which if freaking huge by the way) at the top of our mansion. I get out of bed and change into my favourite pair of jeans, a pair of combat boots, white tank top and a leather jacket before heading downstairs where I can smell my mum cooking bacon. I can feel my mouth beginning to water as I walk into the kitchen and sit down at the table.

"Morning, mum. What's cooking?" I ask as I sit down at the table.

"Your father wants to speak to you in his office," She tells me, her voice wavering slightly which warns me it is going to be something that I don't like. I normally don't complain with my family but when mum's voice goes like that... I get nervous. I walk up the stairs and knock on his office door, smelling dad, Noah and Shawn. I smile a little as I caught the scent of my guardians, the two people who would risk their lives to protect me. They love me as their sister and I love them as if they were my brothers.

Noah opens the door and his face is covered with shock. Not by seeing me here but whatever my father had told him. I walked into the room, taking cautious steps and look over at Shawn. He's angry... I have never seen him angry. Ever.

"Hello, Vi. If you saw from your guardians' faces, they didn't take the news well," He rubs the back of his neck, seeming worried about how I would react. There's a pack that needs training and looking after and have called us for help. They know that we have the best trainer in the country, you."

What pack is it, dad?" I ask but he doesn't reply, only giving me a look of guilt. "What pack is it?" I ask again with more force behind my voice.

"Violet... you are training the Blood-Moon Eclipse pack.

Noah and Shawn start growling as I yelled at my father. "WHY DID YOU THINK I WOULD BE OKAY WITH THIS?!?! They abused me and I will never forgive that mate... my own mate rejected me!" I was going to lunge at my father but Noah and Shawn held me back so I couldn't attack him.

I could easily get out of their grip but I didn't want to kill my dad, no matter how angry I was at him. I resisted the urge to use my powers and all I could see was red. Noah and Shawn were trying to calm me down by saying things like: "he saved you" and "You don't want to kill your on dad" which worked and I managed to calm down.

"When do I leave?"

"Tomorrow, so please be a good girl and pack your things."

I used my telekinesis and carry Noah and Shawn out of the office and into my room. "Vi, I'm sorry," Noah mumbled. "And I thought I told you not the use your telekinesis on me." Trust Noah to say something like that. Shawn didn't really mind since he loves the feeling, and if he tried enough can resist my powers like he trained himself to do.

"I'm sorry, Noah, but you don't know how I feel..."

"I do know how you feel, Vi! Everything that you feel, we feel as well. If you're hurt then we feel it, if you're angry then we feel it. We are your guardians, not by choice but because we were chosen for a reason."

"I'm sorry, Noah... I'm just angry. Those... Those animals abused me for years! And my sister... My own sister hated me! The only people that loved me were my friends and my older brother." I started to cry and cry... I couldn't stop.

My two best friend's held me close between them for what felt like hours (which it probably was). I stood up out of my bed and looked at the clock beside my bedside table which informed me that it was one in the afternoon.

This would be an awesome time to surf and clear my head. Who knows when I will feel the breeze on my face and the afternoon sun on my back. So I run towards my closet and grab my bikini. Since I have werewolf genes and the Moon Goddess genes I am beautiful. I ran towards the garage and get out my hidden surf board. I hide my surf board because this is the only thing nobody knows I love. And that is surfing. It is my past time and something I want to do. It also allows me to blow off some steam. Like today. So I grab my board and start running towards my hidden spot on the beach.

So I hope you liked this chapter! I have never been surfing but I really like swimming... She gotta have that tan from somewhere! So in the next. Chapter she will be going to her old pack and it will be awesome! Well... I believe it will be awesome anyways I'll make a new chapter soon! Love ya's ~Ren

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