Chapter 19

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"Your so irritating Violet! Even if you are hot! God! You are so confusing I just can't understand you! Just, get out and let me clear my head."
I was shocked so I just walked out of the kitchen and into my room. As I lie on my bed staring at the ceiling I then hear the groaning and sexual noises from the next room. I groan and slam pillows to my ears. Stupid enhanced hearing.


So I did end up burning the kitchen. It wasn't my fault I fell asleep for a few minutes too long. Okay so I lied, a few hours long. I ended up having to buy everyone pizzas and we all ate outside because the house stinks of burnt meat. Tyson has tried to talk to me since earlier but I wouldn't let him. Hey, in my defence he did say he wanted to clear his head.

*Cara can you come down stairs I need help cleaning up and you skipped dinner. I left you some leftover pizza so please come and eat. I know your hungry.*

*Okay I'll come down. But just because you persuaded me with pizza doesn't make me happy that you ruined my beautiful kitchen.*

I forgot to mention the fact that Cara is in love with our kitchen. Well I did try to tell her I was redesigning the kitchen and went to her to see if she liked it. I told her black is the new white and hadn't come out of her room since.

As I'm cleaning up the plates outside from logs and tables, hell even the tree had plates in them! My beloved best friend Alex comes over.

"Hey Vi, so do you need help cleaning up? There are some places where the pups hide them because they like to play frisbee or whatever with the cardboard plates, they say it flys better."

"Of course! That would be great, Cara is also coming down to help so the more the merrier."
I walk over to the garbage bin beside the back door and throw the plates in. Won't be using them ever again. I walk back and fold up the flexible tables and brag them inside. I hear light footsteps which normally means either a female or a pup. I look behind me and see Cara.

"Oh great! Your here Cara, can you help Alex and I with getting the rest of the plates? The pups love hiding them everywhere"
"Sure Violet, who is Alex by the way?"
"Oh Alex is my best friend who so kindly asked me if I needed help"
"Okay come on then! Can't keep him waiting"

We both walk side by side laughing about life and our brothers. We walk up to the tree which at the bottom of it lies Alex resting with a couple of plates either side of him.

Of course Alex and Cara are mates! My best friend and my other really good friend, damn you Seline, mother, Moon Goddess whatever you are. (I hope this clarifies that the moon goddess' name in this story will be Seline, NOT Artemis)

"I'm happy for both of you but we really need to clean all this up or else Tyson will most likely try and kill me. You can get back to this later"

Hey guys, guess what? IM NOT DEAD!!! Hallelujah! I'm sorry I've been MIA and sorry for this shitty chapter. I just didn't know what to write about. I'm actually at home and have rewritten this time and time again so I hope this will do for now.
CARA AND ALEX!!!! #Calex? #Alara? Anyone think of anything better? If you guessed these to then WELL DONE!!! *Screams and cheers* Another thing to, any Doctor who fans here? I'm loving the series! Anyways GERONIMO!!!

Love ya's my little cupcakes!

~Rene (Ren) <3 <3

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