Chapter 5

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Violet Rose Paw:

“Nonononono. I’m sorry, Felix, but I think you have the wrong p-person…” I trailed off. “M-m-my parents died a few years ago… I’m a nobody. No one loves me or cares about me”

“Now you’re in my pack I will do everything in my power to train you into being a strong werewolf and to show you the legend of you and the Moon Goddess,” He responded, not a doubt in his mind that I was the right person.

We shook hands and led me into the library to show me different books about “the Moon Goddess and I”. I’ve heard about the legend but I thought that my parents named me after her because they believed that I was important to them or something like that. So I sat down on one of the couches and began to read about what life supposedly had in store for me.

~~~~Three hours later~~~~

I feel so… tired.

They showed me millions of books (at least that’s what it felt like) and now I’m exhausted. It’s really cool, though, because I apparently have supernatural powers! Like Harry Potter except way better! After reading through these books, I really did believe that I was the Moon Goddess’ daughter.

My name is Violet Roe Paw and the pictures look exactly like me although in the pictures I look happier… and I look normal. At this time I’m unhealthily skinny but I believe that this pack will take care of me and help me become that girl in the picture.

That would have to wait though because Felix has told me that he wants me to meet his wife and luna of the pack.

I’m sitting between Noah and Shawn because they are the only two people I feel that I can trust will keep me safe at any cost. I was caught up in my thoughts of the boys on either side of me when the door in front of me suddenly slams open. Being caught off guard, I cower behind Noah since he was sitting closest to me.

In the doorway, there was a beautiful lady standing there, giving me a look of pity I had started to become accustomed to in this new pack though she made an effort to hide it which I greatly appreciated.

“Hello, Violet, my name is Jasmine and I am the luna of this pack, the Shadow pack.”

“Thank you, luna,” I reply, bowing my head as I curtsied to show my appreciation and respect towards her.

 "Oh please, Violet don't bow it isn't the ancient times." I stood up and came out of my little hiding spot behind Noah.

"OH MY GAWD, FELIX, SHE IS SO PRETTY!!!" Jasmine exclaimed as she came rushing towards me and starts playing with my hair. I try not to flinch so I just put my head down.

"Jasmine, your scaring her remember she ran away from an abusive pack? She isn't used to contact yet." Whispered Felix but because of my enhanced hearing I could hear him.

"I'm so sorry Vi I really would love for you to make yourself at home and I was wondering... Would you like me and Felix to, um, adopt you so you can have parents again...? I know we won't be like your other parents but, you know, I thought it would be nice....”

 I cut her off before she could ramble anymore. "I would love to be your daughter," I replied and gave her a proper smile, something I haven’t done in years. She started having tears in her eyes and came and hugged me. I hugged her back like I would with my own mother.

So how was that? 2 chapters in 2 days!!!! THATS A RECORD PEOPLE!!!! Hahaha doing this during Math. Hehehehehehe I would dedicate this to My good friend Berlinda because if it wasn't for her threat to kill me for not updating I wouldn't of hahaha

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