Chapter 22

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I look to where the wolf jumped to and see that he is running towards me in his wolf form. My vision starts to go blurry as I fall but just before I fall to the ground I am caught in a pair of masculine arms as I am surrounded into a world of oblivion.

Tyson Alexander Hunter POV: (Surprise C:)

Sitting in the waiting area for someone, anyone to tell me she is alright. I need to know. She is my mate and if I didn't save her I don't know what to do with myself. That rouge could of ripped her apart with those claws, and those red lifeless eyes. All I can hear is the beeping noise coming from the hospital rooms around me and the rain outside dripping down the windows into the soil below. I should never rejected her. I was careless and she was worthless at the time. I wasn't able to see her true beauty with her snow white hair and mesmerising Violet eyes. I can't loose her when I just found her. I regret everything mean I've ever said to her but I need to tell her. I lay my head is my palms and lean over. What can I do? Please Moon Goddess Seline, let her live. Let her give me a chance. I will get rid of Carlee and make Vi my queen and spoil her how a mate should.

"Alpha" I snap my neck up to see who the woman is to disturb me. "What do you want?" I ask in a rough and hoarse tone from the tears I have let through. "I'm so sorry, Violet did not make it. She has died from the wolfs bane that entered her system and blood loss. I am so sorry for your loss, if you wish to see her you can. But only for a few minutes." I stare at the nurse who told me the news as she turns and walks away. Tap, tap, tap. Is all I can hear. The world has no meaning to me anymore. The girl I love is gone. I must at least see her. I get up and walk over to her room 821. I reach my bloody hand out to the handle since when I carried Her into the hospital I refused to get clean until they treated her first.

I opened the door to see Her lying there. My world. My soulmate. Mi Amour. She looks so peaceful lying there with her hands folded over her chest. To be honest she just looks like she is sleeping. I walk over to the chair on the side of her death bed and take her hand in mine. I say,

"Mi Amour, yeah it's me. I am so sorry that I wasn't able to save you from the rouge in time. I want to rip the rouges body apart over and over again but that won't bring you back. Please. Accept this apology and the rest to come. I have been so rude to you all your life. I loved you from the moment I saw you when we I was 5. You wore your hair in pig tales with a little red ribbon holding them together. That pink dress with white dots on them that your mum made you wear to meet the future alpha and his parents for the first time." I smiled at the memory and let's tears escape my eyes. But I need to complete this. I need my mate to know. "When I rejected you I was careless and wanted power and sex more than anything. But what I didn't realise is that I wanted, hell, I needed you more than anything in the world. I should of accepted you, waited to loose my virginity to you, have my first kiss with you but now your gone. Please, Moon Goddess, let her come back to me, Mi Amour." I let more tears escape my eyes as I let my head rest on her chest with my hands still holding hers.

Next thing I hear is the most beautiful voice in all of existence


So how was that guys? Did I scare the heck out of you for a second there? THE FEELS WERE REAL!!! OMGGGG. Comment if I made you cry since the thing that convinced me to do it was the rain outside. So depressing so I wanted to do something. YOU DIDN'T THINK I WOULD LET HER DIE DID YOU??? I wouldn't do that! And this chapter is a dedication to my friend Shadow_Sico for inspiring me with his PM and since we have become great friends.

OH AND THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 100K VIEWS!!! As promised. I will put up a video of me doing the ice bucket challenge and donating to the ALS foundation $50!! I would so do it now if it wasn't 11:26 at night. I will do it tomorrow and it will be uploaded onto here and my YouTube channel Blue_Maple.

Love ya my little cupcakes!

~Rene (Ren)

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