Chapter 23

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Please, Moon Goddess, let her come back to me, Mi Amour." I let more tears escape my eyes as I let my head rest on her chest with my hands still holding hers.Next thing I hear is the most beautiful voice in all of existence "Tyson?"

Tyson Alexander Hunter POV:

"Vi, you're awake. I'm so happy to see you. I've been waiting for you to wake up."

"Why are you here, Where am I?" She asks looking confused.

"You're in hospital because a rouge clawed your neck with wolfsbane. You're lucky that you are even alive." I pause there for a minute to take a breath. "I-in fact, you d-died and the n-nurse said y-you w-wouldn't-" I stopped myself with tears in my eyes. I feel so weak and vulnerable and all I want to do is hold my mate in my arms and cry. Vi just stared at me and opened her arms gesturing for me to lay beside her. I wrap my arms around her waist and smell her hair. It calms me and my wolf to know she is safe and alive. I am the happiest man alive and will never leave her. I close my eyes and fall asleep thinking about Violet.

Violet Rose Paw POV:

I stroke Tyson's hair as he falls asleep. His tear stained face into the crook of my neck, it breaks my heart and my wolfs. I touch the side of my neck to feel three claw marks and everything comes back to me. As I start to close my eyes a wolf jumps over my head as my attacker claws at my throat ripping the top layer of skin. My throat starts to burn from the claws and I realise that my attackers claws were covered in wolfs bane. I look to where the wolf jumped to and see that he is running towards me in his wolf form. My vision starts to go blurry as I fall but just before I fall to the ground I am caught in a pair of masculine arms as I am surrounded into a world of oblivion.

I believe the masculine arms were Tyson, but why would he save me? In fact, why do I care about him? He bullied me, enslaved me and everything. But I could help to think that, he saved me. The boy that treated me like dirt. My wolf and I start to feel happy and I can feel a smile starting to form on my face until I think of my sister and my smile turns into a frown. If Tyson was in love with me, or is, he should at least of thought that I would take it hard. I need to tell him when he wakes up, that is going to be a long talk. For now ill enjoy seeing my mate sleep peacefully.

GREETINGS! I UPDATED! I will do the ice bucket challenge and upload it when I can because it is quite cold still... I hope you like the clip on the side since it is what I was thinking when I was writing the previous chapter... the cover I had on before was made by " Thewantedrider" and it looks amazing!!! (on the side) The cover I have on now is something I made myself... I hope you like it and I HOPE YOU ENJOY YOUR DAY EVERYONE AND.... WHAT IS YOUR FAVOURITE COLOUR? Thanks on 133K reads! It means a lot <3

Love ya my little cupcakes!

~Rene (Ren)

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