Chapter 17

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Wow guys! 100 followers! I finished my surprise! It is.... On the side! ITS A TRAILER THAT I MADE!!!! I've been working on it for months now! So that will be up either when you read this or very soon! Please follow my lovely editor! @ShadowEmbers She has her own book called Blue Moon and the book is amazing it is a werewolf story! Anyways! I think you wanna see who Shawn's mate is ;)

Violet Rose Paw POV:


I could hear someone walking down the stairs. Shawn starts to sniff the air and faces in that direction.
I turn to see who he was looking at. It was.....


I turn to who he was looking at. It was..... Kieran?
I see the love in Shawn's eyes but looks down at me with a sad face. I look up at him, roll my eyes and nod. He has the biggest smile on his face and it hold so much love.

Shawn walks over to Kieran.

"Hello mate, what is your fine ass's name" Shawn says as he checks out Kieran.

I mentally laugh at Shawns lame pick up line.

"My name is Kieran and your one fine piece of ass too."

Kieran gives Shawn a wink and I couldn't hold in my excitement anymore.

"I have gay best friends!"

They both just stare at me and laugh.

"I'm so happy for both of you! Shawn, now that you have found your mate is it okay if we are still friends?"

"Of course it is! I couldn't live without my best friend!"
He gives me a bone crushing hug and I hear Kieran's growl in warning.

"Hey Kieran remember who saved you and don't worry, I know he is yours." I flinch at those words. Those are the words I wanted my mate to say to me.

"What?! How did she save you and I didn't even know about it?" I can hear the anger in his voice.

"Calm down Shawn! Geez I found him and his sister Cara in the woods so they could join our pack. Now he is the mate of a guardian."

"Wow my mate is bring and strong." Kieran flirts as he pokes Shawn in the chest.

"Well I best be going since I have a feeling Sky wants me to... Feed her... Cat."

"Vi, we dont have a cat." Is Shawns remarkable answer.

"We do now! So ill see you too lovebirds later."

I run out of the kitchen and up the stairs. I knock on Cara's door and she opens it. I could tell she was asleep and I woke her up.

"Hey Cara I thought you might like to be the first to know Kieran found his mate."

"What! He found his mate before me! That is so unfair." She crosses her arms over her chest and pouts.

I just laugh and roll my eyes.

"Violet when can I meet her? Is she pretty?"

"Cara... Kieran's mate isn't a girl, it's a boy and he is my guardian. So don't worry Shawn will take good care of your brother."

"My brother is gay! I-I don't know whether to be happy or upset. I won't get any nieces or nephews now."

Cara sits on the floor in shock over what I just told her. I thought she would be happy for her brother. Not, devastated.

"Cara, Kieran can always adopt a child and plus, Kieran had the biggest smile on his face when he saw Shawn, vice versa and I can tell you right now that both of them are extremely happy. So please be happy for the both of them.

"Okay Vi, thanks."

She stood up and bowed.

"Cara, there is no need to be formal. We are family so give me a hug."

I felt so old saying that. Like what a grandmother would say to her grandchildren.
She runs over and gives me a bone crushing. Damn this girl is strong! She runs out of the room and down the stairs. I'm guessing to see her brother and his mate. Who knew my little Shawn would find out his mate is a boy? But if they are happy, so am I.

TADA!!!! You guys surprised?! Because I met you were! You probably chose the wrong sibling! I FOOLED ALL OF YOU! :3 Well anyways! I'm sorry I didn't update this really quickly... It's because I didn't know how to write this chapter! I wanted to make it good! But it is probably crappy buttttt Hehehehe butt. This was a difficult chapter to write and I had Shawn and Kieran in my mind since the beginning! Who do you guys think Cara's mate will be? Will she have the same fortune as her brother or will she find a guy? Or even in Vi or Tysons pack O_o

Okay vote!
1) In Violets pack (guy or girl)
2) She might be lesbian (like her brother... You know what I mean)
3) She will find her mate as a guy (if so type who you think it might be!)
4) In Tysons pack (guy or girl)

Goodbye my little cupcakes!
~Rene (Ren) <3

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