Chapter 26

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"Rouges, they came with a message." She panted as she handed the note in my direction. I run over to her and check her over to see if she is okay. "Ty, I'm fine. Just read the damn note!" She demands me. I carefully open the note and read it.
We are coming

Violet Rose Paw POV:

I thought that me finding the note in my window sill would earn me the right to be in the meeting. Instead I have 2 guards outside my hospital room and 3 outside my window. My brother Jace comes in here sometimes and we bond over anything. Music, movies and even books. Tyson has made me use a white board and marker to communicate with, even though we have the mind link but he doesn't want me to strain and get a headache or something.

"So Vi, I haven't exactly gotten you alone for a while. What is it like with Alpha Felix's pack? Are they nice to you?" I uncap the marker write a bit then show it to him saying. "They saved me. They accepted me as family and a pack member. I told only those close to me about my past but we have all moved on from that." He smiles sadly at me not knowing all the pain I went through. So I grab his hand and hold his palm between two of my hands and show him. Since I am still adjusting to my powers it takes a lot of effort but he needs to know what I went through.


"Come on you little bitch! Get up and cook we have been waiting for your fat ass to get up I don't want to wait any longer." Jace lands another kick to my stomach when I'm sprawled across the floor trying to recover from my broken ribs. This was the day I didn't want to get out of bed when I was 12. I had a broken ankle and bruises all over my body so I just needed to rest. "Jace I-I can't get up. It hurts too much." I cry out in pain. "Maybe you should of thought about that before you killed out parents you selfish bitch!" He releases the rest of his anger on me using his full werewolf strength and pops my arm out of its socket. Satisfied with his results he walks out of the room like nothing happened.


We were both crying by the end of just one vision so I think that's enough. Especially since I was so drained of energy I just want to pass out. "I am so so sorry I caused you so much pain Vi, I wasn't thinking about you or Carlee. I was a horrible older brother but I want to be a better brother now." He is full out crying by now so I crawl over to him and lie in his lap fro comfort. He just sobs and I feel his hot tears falling on my face but I don't care. I haven't seen this vulnerable side of him since our parents died.

This is how it should be. I can feel it and I know more important decisions are going to open up for me and I'll have to chose wisely. I can feel it, and it might have something to do with a certain Moon Goddess visiting me during my coma. It wasn't "You are dead and I'm going to give you two choices yada yada." It was more like, "I'm going to send you back earlier than I thought because this wasn't what I was planning." She gave me some important advice that will help me in the future in making my decisions. One of my decisions is to give Tyson a second chance to be my mate.

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