Chapter 3

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Violet Rose Paw POV

As I drove down the road I feel a heavy weight come down on my mind which alerts me that the pack had found my letter. I speed up as I heard the pack members yelling at me through the mind link. I was able to ignore most of them with ease, however when I heard my brother an uneasy feeling rose up in my stomach.

Once I was off of the pack’s territory the link cut off and I was left with my own thoughts once more, the heavy weight that was baring down on me being released.

When I’m far enough away I slow the bike to a halt and get off. Now that I had escaped from the pack’s territory, all I had to do was destroy the evidence. I take off the helmet and put it on the seat before rummaging through my bag for a match. The motorbike had only been a temporary method of transport that would now only leave a trace for them to follow.

Once I finally located the matches I always kept in my bag in case of an emergency, I unscrewed the oil cap and lit the match. I took a deep breath before throwing the match into the hole and then I sprinted as fast as my legs would carry me in the other direction.

I painfully turn into my white as snow wolf and sprint away.

~~~~~ Two hours later~~~~~

After running for what felt like an eternity, I feel like I can’t run anymore. I lie down under a tree and begin to fall asleep. I should be safe here for a little while, even if the pack is chasing me, they won’t be able to catch my scent since now I am classified as a rouge.

I hear a twig snap and I shot my head up, looking around with a slight sense of anxiousness. I don’t hear or see or hear anything else so I rest my head back down and try to go back to sleep, telling myself it was just my imagination.

However as my eyelids start to droop and sleep is about to take me I hear another twig snap and I know it is real. I try to stand but I am too weak.

Great, I think, someone is here and I can’t defend myself. So this I show I will finally die?

Two very cute guys came out in front of me with only shorts on, displaying their well-toned chests to me. Shiz just got real. No, tell myself, you can’t think like that.

“SHIFT,” Came a demanding voice.

“What are you doing in our territory, rouge?”

“S..sorry, I j-just r-ran away f-from my p-p-pack. They were a-abusing m-me,” I stuttered as I feel tears threatening to spill from my eyes.

The other guy finally spoke as the two looked down on me. “Come on, Shawn, we have always wanted a little sister! Please can we keep her? Please?”

So the first guy’s name was Shawn… Shawn stood at around 6”4’ with short blonde hair and a well-tanned body. Not to mention his delicious looking abs.

Shawn wan using the mind link, I could tell since he had a far-away look in his eyes.

“We need to take you to the alpha, by the way, what is your name?” He asked me quietly, like I was a fragile animal.

“M-my name i-is Violet Rose Paw,” I managed to get out.

They gasped like they were shocked.

“I-is there something wrong with me? Shawn?”

“N-no,” He stuttered.

“Come on then, Violet,” The cute one-I’m gonna call him bob- said. He tried to grab my arm but I flinched away and scurried backwards from him, not wanting him to touch me.

“P-please don’t h-hurt me,” I whispered. They gave me a look of pity which I have seen from my brother and friends before.

“We won’t hurt you, we promise. By the way, my name is Noah.”

I giggle while he looks at me in confusion. “Well then, Noah, I guess I don’t need to call you bob anymore.”

Noah and Shawn started to laugh. Once they were finished Noah helped me up- AKA, carried me to the pack house. When we arrived, everyone was staring at me. I looked down at myself and a blush spread across my cheeks. Noah..” I whispered

“Yeah?” He answered.

“I’m naked”

“Oh, shit… Sorry.”

He quickly put me down and I was handed a shirt from one of the random guys in the crowd surrounding me. I pulled it on and Noah picked me up again and began to continue through the crowd. I looked over Noah’s shoulder at the man who gave me the shirt and mouthed a ‘thank you’ in his direction.

He yelled back over the crowd, “You’re welcome.” Which made me smile for the first time in years.

Okay I know this is not extremely long but it will have to do it is 1 in the morning and I'm tired and I will hopefully try to update.... It's the weekend now so I should be able to update... If I have nothing on soooo yeah I will hopefully see new faces reading! Love you all

~Rene <3

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