Chapter 9

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Violet Rose Paw POV:

Once we stopped laughing I opened the door and there are three people I recognise their faces light up as soon as they see me I scream "OH MY GOD SKY, ALEX, JAY" I run up and wrap my arms around all three. We were all crying. Well. I was crying. "I thought I lost you Vi vi" said Jace "I'm so sorry I had to leave come into my room we have so much to catch up on!"

We walk into my room and I get dragged away from Jace and am behind Shawn and Noah. They growl at Jace "Hey dickheads that's my brother and two best friends that I just reunited with so may I please stay with them?" They both look at me and stop growling "Sorry Vi you know our job to to protect you." Said Shawn quietly with his head down "It's okay Shawn I get it I will introduce the other amazing three people in my life to you guys. The guy in the front is my brother Jace, the one next to the girl is Alex or Alexander and the girl is Skyler." "Mate" spoke Noah and Skyler. "Well that's convenient I'm so happy for you too" Skyler and Noah hug eachother and begin to suck eachothers faces off. "Ew please guys, keep this to PG only until you guys are int he bedroom." They both started blushing while the rest of us were laughing.

"Okay by now you guys know that I am Tyson's mate, but one thing you didnt know is that I am the moon goddess's daughter." "What? how? when did you know?" were their first words. "Okay I found out I was the moon goddess's daughter because of Felix, my adopted dad and his mate Jasmine. The prophecy says that I will be the one to stop the war between the rouges and werewolfs. I am to stop the war but a price is to be made." "what is the price Vi?" spoke Skyler "What am I? a dictionary? it wouldn't tell me but Sky, Jay and Alex, I need your help to make me look irresistable and to tease Tyson about what he can't have and what he rejected." "OH MY GOD THATS A BRILLIANT IDEA! OF COURSE I WILL HELP!" Screams Skyler and the boys nod in agreement and smile at me. I'm going to show the Big Bad Wolf that he doesnt own me. That I own him.

Okay guys I hope you liked this chapter! I was typign this at school during my lunch time in the libary! haha and im so sorry I havent updated it is because I was trying to find out what I should do. Dont worry this is the lame part. This is only the beginning of what I have in mind!

Love ya my little cupcakes!


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