Chapter 14

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Now this chapter is to all my fans to say THANK YOU!!! I HAVE 69 Followers!!! Yes I know I'm really immature but ima teenage girl anyways to the story!

Violet Rose Paw POV:

I was waiting for the packs to come outside for training. My pack was out here and the sensible wolves from Tyson's. Pack are here but anyone else? Nope. So I walked into the kitchen grabbed plates, bowls or anything that could break. I step into the echoed dining room and place everything onto the table. I pick up one plate and smash it as hard to the ground as I could. People are going to start thinking I'm greek. (sorry if your offended but isn't it a tradition at like weddings and stuff? Idk I just heard it) when I was at about four plates I had another in my hand when I see a lot of people rushing down the stairs and bumping each other out of the way.

As I smirk I smash another plate.
"What on earth are you doing Violet!" Roared Tyson. Get it? Roared? He is a wolf not- never mind.
"Oh good your awake! I thought you were all dead to the world and wouldn't want to start training!" I said in a sarcastic voice.
"Those were good plates Violet!"
"So are the ones in Greece! Duh!"
"Everyone outside!" Yelled Tyson. "Get ready for training!"

He didn't even look away from me. Creepy much?
"So Violet, I heard you and Shawn are going out. Why?"
"Because I think I deserve some happiness in my life other than the life you ruined."

He growled at that and pulled me towards him.
"You are mine and only mine nobody can make you feel the way I make you feel better yet I know you still love me."
"You are mistaken Tyson. I wasn't yours a long time ago, you can't claim me when you have my sister. We have a bond that I don't want or need but I don't need you in my love life. Better yet stay out of my life all together because your just going to ruin it."

I venomously sneered at him. He looked taken back because he had what looked like shock but quickly covered it up.
"Violet, I know I messed up in the past and I know you are going out with Shawn but I really want to give us a chance. I want to show you that I'm not a complete asshole that I can be really nice and caring and I want to show how much I care."

I smell bullshit people! These days so many lies. Too many lies.
"I know you have never cared about me and you never will. You don't deserve me you only want me because I'm the moon goddess' daughter and the most powerful werewolf in the world and you can NEVER have me. You can chase all you want doggie but this time you will never catch me."

I walk outside and I can feel the anger coursing through my veins and I need to blow off some steam. So I change into my wolf and run into the woods. I mind link Shawn and Noah for them to start training without me. They understand why since they know I would never miss training unless it was urgent. I could feel the breeze of the wind coursing through my white fur as my paws hit the ground softly yet quickly.

I hear a twig snap to my left and I stop and snap my head in that direction. I hear another snap and it is to my right this time. I growl in warning for them to show themselves and because I'm a high rank and a mate to an alpha they must obey. Rouge or not. Two wolves come out from behind a tree. A young boy and girl. About 16-18 years old.

"Speak your reason for trespassing onto this land rogue"
"I-I assure you Luna we mean no harm we were just looking for food in the woods. We didn't even realise we had been trespassing." The boy spoke and the girl just started crying. He walks over to her and gives her a hug as of to say she is okay.
"Now, I believe you that you don't want to harm us but would you like to join my pack? We are a very welcoming pack and can assure you that you will be well looked after."

"That would be wonderful. My name is Kieran and this is my twin sister Cara. We are both 18 and would do anything to help of please you."
"That's very nice to hear. Now let's get you to meet the packs."
I walk in front of them as they trail behind. I look back every so often to find Kieran hugging his sister and make sure that she is okay. Now that is a family.

Hey guys! I know I didn't update sooner and I'm sorry but I hope you like this chapter. I gotta say. Someone will find their mate in the next few chapters. Can you figure it out yet? If so leave a comment! Hint. Might be gay. (I have nothing against them for if I offended you)

Goodnight my little cupcakes!

Love ya's
~Rene (Ren)

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