Chapter 16

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Ahhhh yes! number 16. My favourite number! And I even made a cover for this book tell me if you prefer this one or the other one! Because im trying out new things. I also have a surprise for all of my viewers! I have put almost a months worth of effort into it I'm going to show you guys when I hit 100 followers! I know we can do it we are almost there! I am also sorry I havent updated I know im a bad person >_< forgive me? <3 anyways!

Violet Rose Paw POV:

"Okay Kieran, Cara you guys will be staying here so if you need anything you know where to find me."
They weren't very far from my room because if something went wrong I want to know about it.
"Thank you so much..." Kieran spoke. He didn't know what to call me because I am a Luna, Pack warrior and the Moon Goddesses Daughter.

"Please call me Violet"
"Thanks Violet you saved me and my sister I owe my life to you"
That is possibly the sweetest thing someone has said to me in a while.
"Your welcome Kieran, Cara have some rest and there should be food downstairs soon."

I walked downstairs into the kitchen and I saw Shawn sitting there with an apple. When he saw me his face brightened.
"Hey babe want to drive around? Because your drive-en me cray cray."
I giggled and between fits of laughter I said.
"I'm-pretty sure- that-isn't-how it- goes!"

I stopped laughing after a little while.
"In fact that is probably the worst pick up line ever!"
He put a hand to his heart and pretended to look hurt about what I said.
"Vi, That cut deep, I thought I did a really good job."

I could hear someone walking down the stairs. Shawn starts to sniff the air and faces in that direction.
I turn to see who he was looking at. It was.....

CLIFFHANGER!!!!!!! YOU KNOW YOU LOVE MEEEEEEEEE HAHAHAHAHAHA I'm just an angel aren't I? I UPDATED PEOPLE!!!! I was trying to figure out what to do for this chapter. I know it is really short but I hope it is a short and sweet? If you don't like it please be honest and I will try to make the next chappie better!

Bye my little cupcakes! FOR NARNIA!!!!
~Rene (Ren) <333333

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