Chapter 18

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Violet Rose Paw POV:

Have you ever had that moment when your brother and his mate are in one of those heated moments when all they want to do is rip each other's clothes off? Yeah, me neither. So when I walk into the kitchen to see my ex boyfriend and his mate sucking each other's faces off with Kieran on the bench with Shawn between his legs... It was very disturbing and I eat on that bench. I'm going to need a bottle of detergent before I end up eating there again.

I cough loudly so that they could hear me. It was either they heard me yet chose to ignore me or they didn't hear me because of the sexual noises they were making. My virgin eyes are scarred for life. I coughed even louder and their heads turn to me and they both growl at me. As soon as they see me they both blush instantly as they quickly stopped growling.

"Hi guys but I really need the kitchen to eat. If you want to continue please, use the bedroom." I spoke smoothly.
"Sorry Vi, caught in the moment. You know us males. We are sexuall-"
"I swear Shawn Oliver Maxwell Stone, if you finish that sentence I will cut your balls off and shove them down your throat."
Kieran growled at this since I threatened his mate. I kinda forgot he was there. Oops?
"Sorry Vi, forgot how innocent you really are. Hey Ki, let's finish this in my room" said Shawn in his most flirtatious voice. Which Kieran's eyes turned pitch black in lust to.

As they were dry humping each other up the stairs I quickly ran towards the cupboard under the sink and grabbed the detergent and a rag. I quickly poured the liquid onto the bench and started scrubbing. There is no way I was forgetting about this. I didn't want Kieran's ass in my food. I shiver at the thought.

Once I finished cleaning the bench of Kieran's ass I started cooking. I wanted to make a really nice meal for my friends. I was thinking of what I could make. I could make a roast! It would be simple and then I could add some wine for the women. So I started getting all the ingredients and got a lamb and some vegetables. I put the roast in the oven and set the timer for 30 minutes I'm just going to lay down on the couch until the timer goes off. Then I dozed into oblivion.

"Fire! Fire- Someone get me a fire extinguisher and get all the children outside!" What is going on?
I wake up to this racket, what was I doing earlier? Oh shenanigans! My roast! I ran out into the kitchen to see Tyson himself saving the day from the evil fire filled oven.

"Hi Tyson, what did you do this time." I try to make conversation with him with a bit of humour to my words as I lean against the wall.
"What did I do? What did YOU do? You have never been able to make roasts! That's why I got one of the omegas to make them. That is foolish Violet!"
"I wanted to do something nice for my friends for once! God I don't see you doing anything for your pack nor your friends!"
He grabs the fire extinguisher and starts spraying the oven with the weird foam.
"Your so irritating Violet! Even if you are hot! God! You are so confusing I just can't understand you! Just, get out and let me clear my head."
I was shocked so I just walked out of the kitchen and into my room. As I lie on my bed staring at the ceiling I then hear the groaning and sexual noises from the next room. I groan and slam pillows to my ears. Stupid enhanced hearing.

Sorry I know guys this isn't a long chapter and I know it is boring I just gotta get back into the motion of things... HAPPY HOLIDAYS GUYS!!! I kept to my promise and have updated. Am I forgiven for the crappy chapter? Hmm?

Love ya my little cupcakes!
~Rene (Ren)

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