Chapter 11

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Violet Rose Paw POV:

Let's just say my prank was hilarious but I got in trouble for it. Still worth it. I started training the packs Noah has the pups while Shawn can deal with the older members. I on the other had have the teens. Yay. Hormonal teenagers! Woohoo! Note sarcasm. "Okay guys! 25 laps around the lake in your wolf form! I on the other hand will run in human form." I spoke loudly and firmly. "Why are you even here? Nobody missed you Violet. Your still a pathetic use of space!" That came from one of Carlee's followers sisters. "What's your name Hun?" I said to her calmly "Jessie" "well Jessie since you seem so keen I have given everyone 75 laps in wolf form. Everyone thank Jessie for that now go!" They all groan and start their laps with me just behind them.

Shawn Stone POV: ( Hehehehe don't expect a lot of these I felt different today )

I told the older members for ages 20-45 to do 30 laps behind the teens since I want to see their speed. I look at Violet running behind them and she is beautiful. Her long blonde-white hair reaches just below her lower back. She looks like a model her eyes are a Violet colour. (That's why I named her Violet and if I already set a description of what she looks like refer to this one it is better ^_^) she is just the definition of perfect and it makes me angry that someone like Tyson broke her and I picked up the pieces, you know like at the start of that song Lego house by ed Sheeran? Anyways, these past few years have been amazing. Through those years I have fallen in love with her but I don't know if she will like me. I will see later and try to organise something to tell her how I feel.

Violet Rose Paw POV:

We finished the 75 laps, 100 push ups and the 50 sit ups by 3:00 pm and these guys were really tired so I cut them some slack and told them to go elsewhere before I change my mind. I turn around to walk back to the house and I see Shawn leaning on the side of the house with his arms crossed over his chest. "Hey Shawn I didn't think you would miss the chance of free food" "Well when it comes to you I would miss anything to see you smile." This guy is the one I am closest too and I kinda have a little crush on him that nobody knows about. "I was wondering Vi, would you like to go on a date with me? It's okay if you don't want to, it's just that I really li-" I cut him off "Yes I would love to Shawn Stahhp the rambling your gonna make the magical unicorns fly away again." I gave him a serious look and he have me a playful one back. We both started laughing. "Oh and Vi? Be ready by 7pm I'm taking you out."

I'm in front of my mirror wearing the fanciest dress in my wardrobe since I have heaps. ( remember she has to have dresses for meetings and stuff with Felix. Felix is her step dad) it's a beautiful blue dress that comes up just above the knees and is strapless, it shows off my curves and brings out my white hair and Violet eyes. I apply a little bit of makeup and brush my hair. It's exactly 7 and I hear a knocking on my door. I quickly fix my dress and open my door. Standing there is the one and only Shawn Stone. I smile at him and he has his hair looming boyish and cute yet he is wearing a black tux and it looks good on him. "Hey Vi, you look stunning here are some flowers I bought since I know you love red roses" I blush and thank him as we walk downstairs so I can put the roses in a vase. "Shall we Madam?" He speaks formally so I respond "We shall, where are we going anyways?" "You will see, not too formal yet not casual either, I hope you will like it." He gives me one of the most beautiful smiles and we walk out the front door.

Okay guys! I know I'm horrible at updating and I'm so sorry! I've been trying to work on this bit by bit and I hope it made up for it? I've been thinking about getting Shawn and Vi on a date for a while. Surprise? Or did you see through it? If you did well done! Oh! And this year November 1st I'm going to be at Pax Melbourne! For the gaming convention! Tickets are on the page and if you see me please say Hi! I would love to meet some of you! Anyways I'm off to bed. And if you have any ideas... You know what to do my little cupcakes!

P.S If anyone knows how to upload images into wattpad plz let me know D: I have no clue

Love ya's!

~Rene (Ren)

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