Episode 28 (B) The Ocean Monster

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The Blue Ranger stepped back from the control box, barely able to bring himself to tell the others what he had found or rather, didn't find.

"Guys, it's empty! I can't stop the crane!"

"You're kidding," groaned the Lunar Wolf, now noticing the water thrashing. The cable lines began to shake as it continued to wind up whatever was attached to the other end.

"Not kidding! What are we going to d-" the cables gave a massive lurch forward, pulling the entire crane forward with it. The Blue Ranger did not have time to brace himself and went toppling forward, nearly falling back into the water.

"You're out of time, guys, that thing is going to break through the surface any second. Get back to the others!" from the air, the Yellow Ranger lined the Eagle Zord up with the crane, targeting to fire at whatever was coming at them. Understanding her, the Blue Ranger jumped down to the platform level closest to the water. He whistled for the Shark Zord but noticed that Merrick had not called his Hammerhead Zord back. Instead, the Lunar Ranger stood motionless, watching the cables like he was waiting.

"Merrick! Come on, Taylor has a shot at this thing, we've got to go!" the Blue Ranger yelled to him, the churning of the waves nearly deafening his cries.

"Thank you for your help, Max" the Lunar Wolf's emotionless Ranger helmet looked at him. "Go back to the beach, go help the other Rangers."

"What? Merrick, what are you saying? You've got to come with me!"

"You promised me, Max! We don't have much time, so listen to me. Leave me here." The Lunar Wolf Ranger had a slight panic in his voice. The entire crane itself was now trembling beneath his feet.

"I can't just leave y-" the Blue Ranger's protest was cut short. The ocean beneath the crane exploded upwards, twenty, maybe thirty feet straight up into the air.

A beam of ice blue light projected itself out of the water, so high it shot through the clouds and lit up the sky. The water fell back to Earth with a rush, forcing the Silver and Blue Rangers to hold onto the crane with all their strength, or be swept into the ocean.

"Go! Go now, please!" the Lunar Wolf screamed, unaware their time had just run out.

The Rangers all saw it at once. Metal paneling, unfolding itself up from the sea. Scales and spikes along a massive spine, curling and twisting as a robotic beast was lifted into the air. A long tail rose and impossibly fast it crashed down into the water, sending large waves breaking in every direction.

The beast continued to fight its binds as it rose, shining a brilliant metallic blue and purple as it hit the sunshine. Four powerful limbs clawed the air as the crane finished pulling it fully from the ocean, revealing a terrifying, sea serpent type Wild Zord.

"The Leviathan," the Lunar Wolf said softly, as if marveling at the creature, yet too frightened to actually move. Silence, for a moment, broken as the Leviathan Zord raised its head and released a piercing roar, sending the ice blue light shooting from its mouth while fighting against the cables that kept it dangling over the water. It flung its head upwards, causing its attack to cut clear through part of the crane that held it. With a splash, half of the Leviathan Zord fell back into the water, metal debris crashing around it.

The upset launched the Blue Ranger off the crane and into the water, where he was quickly intercepted by the Shark Zord. The Shark did not wait for the Rangers instructions. Seeing it was grossly overpowered, it swam the Blue Ranger back to safety on land.

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