Episode 28 (F) The Leviathan Ranger

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"Wild Access!" Merrick shouted, bringing his Lunar Caller to his ear and transforming before the Orgs into the Lunar Wolf Ranger.

"We've already proven we can walk right through your guys, and we don't even have to be morphed. Seriously, run back to Mandilok while you can," he taunted the trio, lazily crossing his arms.

"Give me one reason why I shouldn't flay you both where you stand," Tanto Org growled back, advancing forward.

"Hey, if you want to fight her?" he laughed, gesturing to Lila, "go right ahead. I don't recommend it. But Lila and I together? Well, winning that fight sounds like a pain."

"I don't feel pain, but you will. That, and crippling fear, like the kind that has your novice friend here too scared to morph. Can you morph, girl?" Tanto Org addressed Lila, "or are you too weak and afraid to fight your foes yourself?"

Lila glared at Tanto Org, hearing its words echoing through her brain.

Weak. Afraid. Those critiques were always the hardest for her to overcome as Queen. She had taken the throne so young, only fifteen, and learned the importance of earning the people's respect. She stepped up to the royal plate and climbed to her position knowing that when she got there, it truly belonged to her. The harsher critiques are what had compelled her to seek out a Duke Org on her own, her attempt to prove herself had caused her end.

She was not afraid of the Putrids, of the Tanto Org, not of any Org past or present. She felt a power blooming in her heart, enveloping her in its protection. Felt it growing like a burning sun inside of her, wanting to burst out, ready to defend against the evils she, and her planet faced. It burned brightly like a flame whipping itself against her bones. Suddenly, that flame became encompassing, all empowering. It commanded her mind, her hands to move as they wished. It knew what it wanted, like a deeply buried instinct now coming to life, compelling and teaching her in seconds what she had always known how to do.

Her hand flew to her wrist. Finding her Growl Phone, Lila took a breath.

"Wild Access!"

Princess Shayla had once told Merrick that a Ranger's first morph shined the brightest. He wasn't sure of the truth of that, not until he saw Lila morph. Light and power combined into one, pulsating and twisting, rotating as it brought forth a new Power Ranger.

The light faded and the wind stilled itself. A Ranger in a purple suit stepped triumphantly forward. Her suits design was similar to Merrick's, but sported seven golden stripes across the torso, with a skirt added like Alyssa's. Her helmets design taken from the Leviathan Zord, with a crest above her heart, and golden belt buckle to match. The helmets eyes were set a deep yellow and it was streamlined with scales flowing down the sides and back, adorned with large, silver horns.

"Reaping Leviathan!" The Leviathan Ranger shouted, landing strongly into her unique Ranger pose, fists clenched and energized for her first battle.

"A Leviathan Ranger??" scoffed Toxica. She backed away though, clearly intimidated by Lila's new form. She dragged Jindrax back with her since he seemed frozen in place.

"Wait... Lila? Is that what you called her?" she demanded of the Lunar Wolf Ranger. "You don't mean... like the ancient Queen of Animaria?!"

"That's right," said the Leviathan Ranger tauntingly. Relaxing her stance, she stood intimidatingly before the three Orgs. Together, the Leviathan and Lunar Wolf Rangers made a daunting pair to behold.

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