Episode 32 (B) Monitoring Earth

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Back inside the stadium, the giant television screen was emitting a white light. A green and red soccer team of children materialized on the grass first, shortly followed by the stands of fans. One boy flipped his hand over in front of him, making sure he was actually all there. Unaware of what happened, the stadium sighed collectively, glad to be safe again.

The Rangers, however, were not out of the woods yet. Mandilok had furiously demanded that Toxica revive the fallen Org, and they were now staring down a jeering, now stories high Monitor Org.

"Wild Zords, descend!"

The Lunar Wolf Ranger reached for his Lunar Cue to call the Predazord, instead, the Leviathan Ranger's hand grabbed his arm to stop him.

"Hold up, they can handle this. We need to go get Kite," she sounded insistent, he could hear nerves in her voice. He agreed and they took off away from the fight, leaving Monitor Org to deal with the fury of the Wildforce Megazord.

Mandilok, had marched Jindrax, Toxica and Kite up onto a tall hillside. It kept them out of harms way, but it was mostly to get a better view of the battle. The Org wasn't done manipulating Kite just quite yet.

"Look at how the Rangers force their Zords to do their dirty work for them. Oh, those poor Wild Zords! Don't you feel sorry for the way the Wild Zords are controlled by humans – the same humans who are polluting the Earth? It just breaks my heart."

Kite was playing right into Mandilok's hands. He looked crestfallen as he watched the Wildforce Megazord tramp towards the hulking Monitor Org.

The Lunar Wolf and Leviathan Rangers raced towards them. The Silver Ranger slowed, but the Purple Ranger kept pelting forwards past him, her focus set only on the boy.

"Kite, don't listen to them. They're not your friends!" the Lunar Wolf called to him. Jindrax made a run at him while Toxica swung her staff at the Leviathan Ranger. She jumped and twisted in mid-air, dodging Toxica's attack and closing the distance between her and Kite. She rolled into her landing right at his side, her voice lowered as she spoke to him.

"Kite, I know who you are."

"Then you understand why I have to do this," Kite's eyes locked onto hers. The Leviathan Ranger's stomach dropped, completely unsure what he meant.

"...What are you going to do?"

A hand shot past her and gripped Kite's shoulder. The Lunar Wolf had shaken off the Duke Orgs and was prepared to both convince and save the boy, in whichever order.

"Kite, please listen," he begged. Finally, Kite released Lila from his long, ominous stare. He re-directed his gaze to the Lunar Wolf and threatened him.

"Remove your hand from me, Merrick." He shrugged Merrick's hand off his shoulder and sent the Lunar Wolf Ranger flying.

"What is wrong with you?!" the Leviathan Ranger asked Kite furiously, "we are your friends! Please don't do this, don't side with the Orgs!!"

"You haven't been here that long, Lila. You have not seen what I have. The kingdom you abandoned has been defiled. Her resources are being wasted and her vitality drained. Once I show you what the humans have done, you'll understand."

"Unfortunately, he will have to tell you later!" Mandilok spun around and nailed the Leviathan Ranger in the chest. She flew feet into the air and landed, bracing as her helmet bounced off the rocky ground, making her vision blur. Still dizzy, she pulled herself up again to face Mandilok, who began to defensively swat her off like an annoying fly. She was no match for him alone, the General Org stood feet above her and seemed untouchable, completely unfazed by her assault.

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