Episode 39 (A) The End of the Power Rangers Part 1.

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The next day, the party was in full swing upon the Animarium. Princess Shayla and the Rangers were enjoying the festivities, finally reveling in the victory of ending the war with the Orgs, but mostly, for being reunited with one another. Alyssa and the Princess had really outdone themselves this time. The entire Temple, down to the last tree branch was decorated, draped in brightly coloured streamers, lights and balloons. Some of the Rangers were adorned in flashy party hats and feathered headbands.

They had put some music on, and Lila was joyfully dancing with Alyssa, Danny and Max. Merrick was nearby, sitting with Princess Shayla at the picnic table. Lila motioned for him to join them, but he politely smiled and waved her off. She shrugged and went back to dancing with the others, Lila didn't reckon he'd join in but had figured she would ask anyway. The Princess, having seen the silent exchange, decided Merrick could be pushed a little further today. She grabbed a blue party hat and shoved it on his head before he could protest. He kept it on, not wanting to shirk the Princesses good intentions but felt immediately more uncomfortable.

"Picture time!" Taylor announced to the party. The happy group converged in front of the sacred pond, Merrick stood next to Lila, noticing her inquisitive gaze on the polaroid camera. He clued in that this was the first time she had actually seen a camera; she was giving it the same look he had when he was first placed in front of one. Leaning into her ear, he decided to help her out.

"Look at the center of the round part and hold still," he said only to her.

"Smile!" Taylor pushed a button on the camera and dashed over to join the group. Lila smiled along with the rest as the camera flashed then spat out a picture.

"Thank you," she whispered to Merrick as the others rushed to see the photo.

"I figured you wanted to look nice for your first picture," he replied. The others beckoned them over to see the details of the photo started to emerge. Lila slowly saw her own image peering back at her. Surrounded by her new-found friends, Princess Shayla on one side, Merrick on another. It was a perfect snapshot of a moment in her life that almost never was. She deeply appreciated that it was captured there forever.

Max was noticeably enjoying himself. He threw a handful of confetti into the air and shouted, "we did it! We saved the world! The Power Rangers are over!!"

Max froze, as did the rest of the party as soon as the words left his mouth. They landed like a bomb, nuking the atmosphere into a silent emptiness. The realization of what it meant for the Wild Force Power Rangers to be over was slowly creeping down Max's face. Alyssa sank into a seat, her expression gloomy as she pitifully released the balloon she was holding. It was clear amongst the group that none of them had really thought about this before, or perhaps, hadn't wanted to. Silence hung heavily in the air, no one had any real words of wisdom or encouragement that felt like enough to make any impact. They weren't ready to leave their team behind quite yet.

The party came to a close shortly after, the group not really in the mood for celebration anymore. Bit by bit, they broke off and left the Animarium, wanting some space to ponder what would be next for them.

Merrick had made his way back to the Roadhouse, managing to sneak into his bedroom undetected. He emptied the dresser of his very few possessions and hastily started packing them into a bag. He wiped the room's surfaces of any dust and finished by making the bed with such precision that it was as if he were never there at all. He wanted it that way. He didn't want to draw out a goodbye or explain to Willie, or even to himself why he felt it had to be this way. He intended to blow through the Roadhouse like the wind. Merrick's presence would touch the surroundings, having been there but never lingering.

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