Episode 40 (B) The End of the Power Rangers Part 2.

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The Animarium in the center of the city was being slowly filled as Wild Zords flocked to it, following the Rangers as they ran back to their sanctuary and into the Princesses awaiting embrace. Princess Shayla could not have been prouder of the Rangers and felt grateful to have the honor of being their mentor. Of any group, she was glad it had been them chosen by the Wild Zords. The Rangers had brought them all home again and saved their world.

"Hey guys!" Danny yelled. Him and Max running down a path to catch up with the others as they walked along happily together.

"All the Wild Zords are returning to the Animarium!" Max said excitedly.

"They've waited a long time to come home," replied Princess Shayla, "but, their journey is over now. And so is yours." The Princess had been leading the group forward. She stopped and turned to face them. Her sad, yet assured expression made the Rangers stop in the tracks.

Lila's heart dropped, knowing what the Princess was doing. Funnily, she found even with knowing, it didn't lessen the shock or confusion. It still didn't make her entirely ready to hear it.

"You fought bravely, Rangers, risking your lives to protect the Earth. The Wild Zords chose you wisely," she circled the group wearing an encouraging smile. Her and Lila exchanged looks, Lila seeing no reluctance in the Princess, only confidence and extreme pride.

"Now...it is time for me to leave." There was silence for a moment as Princess Shayla's words landed.

"Do you have to go?" Danny asked softly, breaking the quiet. "Why don't you stay here, with us?"

"Sorry, Danny, but I can't. I'm going to take the Wild Zords and the Animarium up into the sky where they'll be safe, until the Earth needs them once again."

Merrick jerked forward from the lineup, getting one step before stopping himself. He exhaled sharply and turned to Lila, grasping her hands firmly and lowering his voice, his eyes pleading apologetically with hers as he spoke.

"I'm sorry, I made a promise."

Merrick let her hands go and began to walk to the Princess. Lila was barely breathing, she stared wide-eyed at Merrick's back, not fully understanding him. Her mind instantly began to race. Was he about to leave with her? After everything they had been through together, was he really going to just walk away from Lila? Her fear shifted to bewilderment as Merrick threw himself into a kneel at Princess Shayla's feet.

"I'm sorry, Princess, I've failed you again. I know I swore to protect your life at all costs but, I'm sorry, I don't think I can fulfill my duty if you return to the sky. Princess Shayla, please forgive me- I can't go with you if it means being away from the Earth. Something... something ties me to it, I know I can't bear losing that again. I'm truly sorry, Princ-"

Princess Shayla knelt and took Merrick's hands, cutting off his speech and pulling him up to properly face her. She had prepared for this, even been expecting it. He had done the same when they had first reunited- thrown himself to the ground to kneel in shame before her. This time, the Princess better understood what he needed.

"You have nothing to apologize for, you have done your duty to me, Merrick. The Earth is your home and I want you to stay here. You've earned that, you both have..." Princess Shayla held out an arm to Lila, beckoning her to join them.

Lila froze, her heart still tumbling through her chest unsure of what exactly was happening. She slowly made her way forward and took the Princesses outstretched hand. To everyone's shock, the Princess placed Lila's on top of Merrick's.

"This is where you belong, both of you together. I forgive you for everything, Merrick, I always have. Please, feel free to live your lives, and take care of each other."

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