Episode 35 (A) The Master's Herald Pt. 1

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The night was still and the sky cloudless on the Animarium. It was very early in the morning, but Lila had awoken anyway. Restless, she'd wandered from her bed and had camped out just outside the Temple with a torch, blanket and the local newspaper.

She had taken to reading the Turtle Cove Times recently, finding it was a great way to dip into modern life and what was happening in other places. It never ceased to remind her how big the world actually was, or how far humankind had come in 3000 years. She was partially through a piece about how Europe had just created a new currency, when she heard something behind her, like faint footsteps on the Temple stones. She raised herself up to look, assuming it was one of her friends.

A figure crossed suddenly in front of her. It was looking around cautiously but had not seen Lila only feet away from it. She quickly ducked back down, instantly recognizing the figure. Her eyes narrowed in on him.

"What are you doing on the Animarium, Jindrax?" she whispered, moving herself as Jindrax did. She noticed he was cloaked all in black like a badly disguised ninja.

A shriek pierced through the night, alerting them to the center of the Temple where the sacred pond was. The Duke Org hurried to the noise with Lila close behind him.

They reached the pond to find Toxica, whining painfully on the ground and clutching her horn. The other Wild Force Rangers surrounded her, having been woken by her cries. Lila basically shoved Jindrax aside to leap over the pond and join her friends at their side.

As Jindrax knelt to help Toxica, another figure appeared between the Orgs and the Rangers with a sudden rush of wind and light. It drew a large katana and swiped at the Rangers. This Org was unknown to them, Lila's heart dropping when she saw he was single-horned. He was also a Duke Org, and the more she looked, the more she was getting a terrible, sickening feeling about him that she could not explain.

"These are the famous Power Rangers? Interesting outfits," the Duke Orgs voice was steady and deep, it could be soothing if he weren't a monster. The Rangers embarrassment was fleeting for having been caught in their pyjamas. Danny quickly hid his teddy bear behind his back.

"How did you get in here?" Alyssa demanded.

"With these ninja outfits, we can go anywhere undetected," said the mysterious Duke Org. His voice was smooth for an Org, yet haunting. He turned to Lila suddenly, pointing the tip of his blade between her eyes.

"I'm surprised to see you alive and well, your Majesty. You are not where I left you."

She had no idea what he meant. It must have been some sort of mind game he was playing to try and confuse her. She took in the Duke Org, examining its shape and size until something did eventually click in her head, but it was too horrible, and couldn't be real.

"You're-" she choked out, "that's not... no. No."

"Yes," he said, acknowledging that she had understood him.

Someone's hands were on her shoulders, people stepping in to keep her and Org apart. They were barely registering in Lila's senses, as if reality had gone black and silent. Nothing was real except for the cycloptic Duke Org, and how badly, how desperately she wanted to hurt him.

"You were the assassin, you killed Lila!" Cole yelled at him, the Rangers glaring with shock and disgust at the Org. A large bubble of blue light shot from the sacred pond, landing at the Rangers feet. It burst on the ground revealing Princess Shayla wearing a scornful expression towards the group, her back to the three Orgs.

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