Episode 33 (B) The Soul of Humanity

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Merrick knelt, staring desperately up at the memorial. He wasn'tsure his friends could actually hear him, still, he chose his words with honesty.

"My friends, I don't know what to do. The Princess is asleep. Animus took the Wild Zords, he took Lila away again... I don't know how we're going to protect the Earth."

Something behind him caught his attention. He looked over his shoulder and saw Kite appear before him. Surprised, Merrick stood up. The rush of relief he felt at seeing Kite again was short lived and replaced with urgency and frustration that he had come alone.


"You can't fight for the people in this world. You're from a different time- when humans cared about the Earth." Animus took deliberate steps towards him, his plea sounding less harsh than he had been previously. Animus was trying to convince him rather than attempt to force him to agree. "You don't belong here."

The words hit Merrick hard, he turned his face away in shame. Animus was validating what he had felt during most of his time spent in the present. The Lone Wolf, the outsider, ever destined to search for something that could come close to what he had lost.

"Come, with me, and together we'll find a new world." Animus offered his hand to Merrick, with Merrick debating whether he should take it.

Meanwhile, Lila was using being left alone to her full advantage. She was keenly watching Merrick and Animus at the memorial on one giant wall of an expansive, white plain, while simultaneously viewing an ongoing scene of terrible destruction that was happening in downtown Turtle Cove.

Mandilok was relentless and had sent down a new Org, knowing the Rangers would be powerless against it without the Wild Zords. The new Org was mechanical and covered in colorful cogs like a monstrous toy robot.

The Toy Org had just finished slapping the Yellow Ranger around, before sending out a whirligig from atop its head to fly at the Rangers like a frisbee. It made contact, creating an explosion that they were barely able to dodge in time. Also watching the fight was a nearby construction crew. Toy Org had descended into their work site and with nowhere to run, they were forced to watch the Power Rangers struggle against the monster. Even with the Rangers using their weapons, they were barely able to match the Toy Orgs assault.

"Come with me, be with the Wild Zords. Be with Lila."

Merrick still hadn't responded to Animus, but Lila's name sparked Merrick's attention, his eyes shooting back to the boy. The thoughts that raced through his head were paralyzing. All Merrick had wanted since waking up from his curse, was to go back and be free from his mistakes. He wanted to open his eyes and have the crisp morning air greet him. To have the Animarium still on Earth. A Princess to protect, the Ancient Warriors to defend with. Lila on her throne. He couldn't have those things, he thought he had made peace with that fact, yet Animus' offer tempted him greatly. A chance to be free of the uphill battle he seemed to always face. He wanted so badly to see Lila again it made him feel sick.

Lila, however, could see him, she was watching, and could see that he was struggling. Merrick needed motivation, but she knew she couldn't go to him or make him hear her. Desperate, she instead took a chance and stretched her arm through the scene in front of her towards Merrick. She found her reach magically extending where she needed it to go. She grasped the Lunar Caller on Merrick's wrist and switched it on.

At the construction site, things were going from bad to worse for the Rangers. Toy Org was slicing through the group and scattering them like dolls. It had just launched the Red Ranger over its head, before assaulting the others with a series of laser fire.

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