Episode 38 (B) Sealing the Nexus

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The Leviathan Ranger swung her Guardian Globe down through the air with a yell, aiming for Nayzor's head. The Org quickly launched the Lunar Wolf off of him, and rolled his body out of the way just before her weapon could strike.

"Ah ha, so close!" Nayzor laughed at her as he pulled himself back to his feet. The Purple and Silver Rangers squared up, standing shoulder to shoulder to prevent the Org from following after Alyssa, which made him laugh even more.

"You two really think you can stop me from getting to your little tiger friend? Merrick has told you who I am, right?"

"Nah," the Leviathan Ranger replied dismissively, "he's only told me about memorable Orgs. You didn't make the cut."

Her comments seemed to get under Nayzor's skin as he grunted in annoyance. "Hmph, you should be thanking me. I am the Org who raised Zen-Aku from his tomb. I suppose I'm the reason why you are even able to be standing by Merrick's side."

"Keep yapping," she shot back, "every second you waste is another second closer to that statue being destroyed. Might as well keep going, Nayzor. Why don't you tell us what it's like to be beaten so many times? That should take a while..."

"My goodness. The mouth on you, young lady," Nayzor did not care for the newest Ranger at all.

A yellow light started to glow from within the centre of the General Orgs body. A large energy ball shot out from him, heading straight for the unsuspecting Rangers.

"Lunar Cue, Sabre Mode!"

"Guardian Globe, Earth Shatter!"

They had managed to ready their weapons in time, but it didn't matter. The yellow ball seemed to scorch its way straight through their counter attacks, sending the heroic duo down in a shower of sparks.

"Well, you did ask what it was like to be beaten," Nayzor mocked. "If those measly weapons are all you have in your arsenal, then surely, I can provide you with another example."

The Leviathan Ranger pulled herself onto her side and saw the Lunar Cue laying next to her, both her and Merrick's weapons having been blown out of their hands. She reached for it but with just a touch, her ears suddenly filled with sound. She could hear the Wolf Zord howling to her, loud and hungry.

"Merrick-" she went to say, but she was cut off by another animal. Her own Leviathan Zord, roaring just as strongly as the Wolf Zord howled.

"What the... what is happening?" The Lunar Wolf's question made her look up, seeing him lifting her Guardian Globe into his hands. "Our Zords. Lila, can you hear them too?"

He went to her side to help her up- but as they gripped each other, the sounds of their Wild Zords grew louder and the weapons started to shake in their hands. The Rangers looked to one another and realized with a start what they were to do next.

Together, they yelled. "Warriors of the past, united!"

The Guardian Globe separated in the Lunar Wolf's hands. The pointed head of Lila's weapon shifted to put its sharpest point to its top, creating the shape of a small lance. It flew to the Leviathan Ranger, who held Merrick's Lunar Cue steady as the lance laid itself along its blade. The bottom of the Guardian Globe then split down the middle. forming a large piece that attached from the Lunar Cue's tip to its hilt. Finally, a string that appeared to be made of light itself threaded across the hilt. It pulled taut, bringing the lance backwards, ready to fire.

The new, crossbow-like weapon the Rangers held was sleek and impressive. As they admired it, Nayzor's smug laughter snapped their attention back to him.

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