Episode 36 (B) The Master's Herald Pt. 2

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"What kind of Org am I??"

Jindrax ranted as he marched Princess Shayla aimlessly through the forest. Safer to keep moving, he continued even though he still had no idea where he was headed.

"I mean, for years, Toxica and I were the only Orgs around. If Onikage was there, he never reached out to us. We kept the dream of Org rule alive, now look at me – I don't even know who I am anymore," he said with despair.

"Because now you realize those Orgs can't be trusted," the Princess asserted.

"But I'm still one of them. I have no choice but to go back to Master Org. Huh? Hey!"

Something had yanked him back. Princess Shayla stopped in her tracks, digging her heels in to the ground to force him to stop as well.

"But what will he do to you?" she asked, fearing the answer.

"Well, the Master said if I returned you, he would forgive me. I have to trust him on that, I can't run forever. Eventually, they will find me."

"We already have."

Onikage had silently appeared before the two without alerting them. He was mere feet away, and had his arms crossed in disappointment towards Jindrax.

"Oh! Not you again. Look, don't worry, we were just on our way back to Master Org, okay?" Jindrax tried to lie, but his cowardice betrayed him.

"He only wants one of you back."

"What do you mean?" Jindrax asked. Onikage responded by punching Jindrax hard in the gut. He removed his katana and began slicing at him ferociously, forcing Jindrax to roll out of the way for his life. The Princess, still bound, could only watch on helplessly.

Jindrax attempted to throw his daggers at Onikage, but he parried them away easily and returned the gesture with a side kick to the chest, taking Jindrax off his feet.

"Wait!" Jindrax cried from the ground, "but- Master Org said I was forgiven!"

"And you believed him?" Onikage asked incredulously as he slashed out again. Jindrax unsheathed his own sword just in time to block Onikage's swing, but the Org was much swifter than he was. Jindrax barely took in his movements as Onikage masterfully took the sword from his grasp, launched through the air, and blasted Jindrax with a fireball.

"Your fate is in my hands," Onikage discarded Jindrax's weapon without thought, tossing it into the brush. Jindrax raised his arms for protection, visibly surrendering to him.

"Now, join your friend, Toxica!" Onikage pointed his blade at Jindrax and rushed forward to deal a killing blow. Before he could reach him, Princess Shayla threw herself onto Onikage's back, trying to grasp on enough to deter him while still having her arms tied against her. Jindrax wouldn't have believed what he was seeing if it weren't happening right in front of him. He had kidnapped the Princess, there was no reason he could come up with why she'd put herself between him and Onikage.

Despite her efforts, the Org threw her off with a heave. She fell to the ground but had managed to turn Onikage's back to Jindrax. Knowing he'd only have seconds, Jindrax shot forward to try and hit Onikage with anything he had left.

The Duke Org did not move, he didn't need to, he was perfectly aware of where his target was. He raised his sword, which shined with an evil, yellow glow and slashed back through the air behind him, directly through Jindrax. The Princess watched in horror as Jindrax tried to yell, but his body was crackling and quickly losing strength. He fell backwards and landed with a bang of sparks. He wasn't entirely destroyed, but he was barely alive and in no condition to carry on.

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