Episode 40 (A) The End of the Power Rangers Part 2.

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The Animarium hit its peak speed of descent as it sliced through the clouds, swiftly dropping from the sky where it had been hidden. Lila had managed to crawl her way to Princess Shayla and start trying to drag her back towards the inner most part of the Temple, where maybe the shelter of the thick stone walls might protect her. They would surely hit the Earth anytime now, she couldn't tell, all she could feel was the non-stop, sickening sensation of falling.

She and the Princess lost their footing but this time, Merrick was there to catch them. He helped bring the two back up when the sounds of clumsy footsteps approached them. The trio turned and saw the other Rangers had miraculously managed to get themselves back to the Temple. Together, the group continued ahead, trying to get to shelter before the oncoming impact.

They had almost reached it when the sky suddenly darkened. They had cut through the cloud cover and were now just above the city. A thunderstorm was battering Turtle Cove with rain that was now also drenching the Animarium as the icy wind whipped them around.

"Hang on, everyone!" they barely heard Cole's yell to them over the chaos.

The Animarium soared in above the rooftops, landing perfectly in Turtle Lake where it had originally come from so long ago. Bracing themselves did nothing to protect the Rangers from the island's collision with the ground. The abrupt stop threw them forward sharply while a deafening bang erupted around them. Everything went quiet in their ears for a moment- everyone unmoving, laid out and starting to become soaked through with chilling rain.

Slowly, they began to rouse, Lila awoken by Alyssa's voice calling out. She rubbed the rain out of her eyes and scrambled back to Princess Shayla's side, helping Merrick escort her into the inner Temple, everyone crowding in to escape the storm.

"Guys, look!" Danny shouted, stopping just before he ran inside. He pointed upwards, looking out into the downtown area of Turtle Cove. It was unnerving to be able to see anything but a blue sky and clouds when looking off the Animarium. The others peered out and saw the problem. Master Orgs massive figure was crushing everything in its path, slowing turning Turtle Cove into rubble. People's screams could be heard distantly, piercing through the claps of thunder.

"Master Org is in the city," Princess Shayla said breathlessly. The loss of the Wild Zords and their rapid re-arrival on Earth had greatly weakened her. Lila and Merrick quickly found a spot to place her down, the second they did, Merrick let himself collapse back into a wall. He had been tossed around a lot when they fell, and it clearly had taken a toll on his wounded leg which was freshly bleeding again. Lila's mental priorities shifted from the Princess to him, knowing he was too injured to carry on in his current state. And with Master Org presently barging through the city, she knew something like bleeding to death still wouldn't keep Merrick put. She didn't have much time; Lila bolted back out into the rain and began scanning the ground for what she would need. Everything had shifted when they had landed but she was able to promptly locate it, their first aid kit. She sprinted back inside.

"We have to stop him," she heard Cole saying as she raced past him and down to Merrick's side. Without hesitation or even asking him, she ripped his pants open further to access the gash. He could barely pay attention to what Lila was doing, he was exhausted, dizzy and in so much pain. He felt a sharp prick but didn't feel overly interested enough in looking down.

"But how?" Max asked Cole, still unable to believe what had happened to them.

"We can't morph," added Taylor, "we have no power."

"It's hopeless," Danny was still stood in the rain, making him look even more miserable as he hung his head sadly, water pouring down his face.

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