Episode 39 (B) The End of the Power Rangers Part 1.

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Master Org was upon them. He reached forward, grabbing both Animus and the Terrorzord by the neck and lifting them off the ground, choking them. The Megazords were struggling in his grasp, already beginning to crackle and spit electricity. With a last grunt, Master Org slammed Animus and the Terrorzord headfirst to the ground. The force was incredible and Master Orgs enemies were blown apart instantly, sending three forms flying through the daylight.

The Lunar Wolf and Leviathan Rangers held onto each other for as long as they could, only releasing their grip when they were slammed into the concrete and thrown apart. A flash of purple light blinded Lila for a second and realizing she had de-morphed, she slowly sat up. Her head was spinning, and she could taste blood in her mouth. She heard Merrick groaning in pain beside her and felt a great rush of relief that if he was groaning, at least it meant he was alive.

From where the Terrorzord had once been, six small lights, their animal crystals, descended from the air and floated towards the two. The Leviathan, Wolverine and Bat crystals landed gently on the ground before Lila and to her sheer horror, burst apart, shattering into shards.

"Alligator! Shark! Wolf Zord!! This can't be..." she heard Merrick cry out, his animal crystals must have just done the same. Lila was speechless, wide-eyed, her chest was rising and falling rapidly as she shakily picked up all that remained of her Wild Zords. She felt her Growl Phone disappear from her wrist which finally made her look down. When she did, she saw Kite, lying unconscious not far from them. She took off towards the boy at once, Merrick went to follow but stumbled, seeing that his leg had been cut badly. It shrieked in pain, protesting every step he took but still he hurried to Kite's side. Lila was trying to stir him, but the boy was unresponsive.

"Animus? Animus?" Lila had his head in her lap and was tapping Kite's face.

"Kite? Wake up, wake up, talk to me!" Merrick urged. The boy was barely alive. Lila thought at first, she had felt Kite's heartbeat pounding back at her. It dawned on her that it was something far worse as the pounding grew, large footsteps were drawing closer. Lila and Merrick looked up and saw Master Org marched towards them.

"He hehe he," he laughed murderously at them, "goodbye, and good riddance!!"

Master Org lifted his gargantuan foot overhead to stomp Animus and the two Rangers flat. Lila threw herself protectively over Kite, while Merrick threw himself over her. They closed their eyes and waited for the worst, holding on dearly to one another.

Master Org heard a noise, a whooshing sound coming towards him, making him hesitate before bringing his foot down on the trio. He turned just in time for the massive floating Animarium itself to swoop down from its hiding place in the sky and knock Master Org back like he was hit with a battering ram. The Turtle shaped island hovered over Merrick, Lila and Kite, sending a blue beam down to teleport them up to its surface, transporting them back to the safety of the Rangers, Princess Shayla and Wild Zords.

"You cannot escape from me," Master Org rumbled with fury as he watched the island ascend back into the clouds and disappear. The Rangers were only prolonging their inevitable destruction. Nothing would protect them from him.

Lila's feet hit the Temple stone of the Animarium, Kite still held in her arms. She knelt delicately to the ground with him as the others crowded around. Merrick was cradling Kite's head, Lila eyeing up his still bleeding leg wound. She felt Kite's breathing change and scanned the child, noticing his eyes starting to flutter open. He was so weak he was barely able to stay awake.

"Is Kite going to be okay?" asked Alyssa tentatively.

"Rangers... I'm sorry. I wasn't powerful enough to help you stop Master Org."

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