Episode 31 (A) Taming of the Zords

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"Oh nature, please don't ever go away..."

Lila had quickly gotten used to hearing Princess Shayla's voice again every morning. It usually wasn't the song that woke her, but one of the other Rangers reaction to it, a typical groaning upon finding out one was awake before they had wanted to be.

She changed from her pyjamas and headed for the stone stairs to the Temple. The boy, Kite, was already awake and sitting at the sacred pond with Max. It was understood that Kite would be staying with them from now on, at least until they had helped him regain his memory of where he came from. Without the Rangers, he had nowhere to go.

Lila was still wary of him, a tone that was palpable between her and the other Rangers. At least she wasn't alone in her concern. If Merrick were there, he'd be eyeing the child with just as much inquiry as she was. Kite had expressed the same eerie connection to them both. It just didn't make sense, so for now, she would keep her eye on him. She made her way to a table, passing the two boys.

"Morning Kite. Morning Max."

"Watch this," Max whispered quietly to Kite. "Hey girl, high five!" he held up an open palm, seeing if Lila would have a clue what to do next.

'Adorable,' she thought to herself. She had spent a little time out at Willie's Roadhouse watching modern day people, but Max didn't know that. She went to return the gesture, but Max swiftly pulled his hand away, Lila swiping the air.

"Ha ha, too slow!"

"Ah, I get you," she chuckled, "you want to go for a swim, Shark Boy?" She only got about a half step to tip Max into the pond, but a soft hand wrapped her bicep, and she was gently turned and pulled away towards the picnic table.

"Good morning," Alyssa said, both to the boys, but mostly to Lila, a look in her eyes suggesting that wasn't the best idea.

Max and Kite snickered, Lila shooting them a playful raised eyebrow over her shoulder. Taylor entered the Temple next, stretching out her arms and grumbling.

"Every morning we hear the Princess singing," she muttered.

"I don't even get to sleep in anymore," Danny followed close behind. He was still very tired, his eyes not focused and still carrying his pillow. Any further remarks about the music were withheld, as Princess Shayla stepped through the grass having just returned from her morning ritual. Her face made clear that she had overheard the Rangers comments.

"You should appreciate the song. All the Wild Zords love it," the Princess explained, gently but firmly, defending herself and her performance.

A spray of water coated Max and Kite's backs, the sacred pond bursting up to warn of the appearance of a new Org. The group rushed from the table to the waters, looking in to see an Org that looked like he walked out of a carnival. With a red upper body that consisted mostly of a giant cape and top hat, shiny black boots. With a whip in hand, it looked like a lion tamer. It walked through the city with Jindrax and Toxica as if they owned the place.

Cole acted quickly, kneeling down to speak to Kite. "You stay here with the Princess," he instructed the boy, "guys, let's go."

Princess Shayla protectively pulled Kite close to her as they watched the six Rangers sprint away through the grass. She turned Kite's attention to the pond, knowing she would see them in the waters soon.

"Wild Access!"

Warm, glowing power that was bright even in the daylight. There really was no proper way to describe the rush of electricity that ran down every inch of the body. The morphing sequence was something Lila was never going to tire of, an envelopment of protection, bolstering and filling her with focus and power. She felt the weight of the Guardian Globe at her side, her helmet on her shoulders as the Rangers finally saw the Org appear in the distance. Noticing their approach, it turned to face them.

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