Episode 29 (A) The Flute

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Lila cracked her eyes letting the early morning sunlight bring her fully awake. She hadn't slept at all since first arriving on the beach, so when her and the other Rangers returned to the Animarium, she had stayed awake just long enough to have the Princess enthuse over her first morph, before excusing herself to go sleep off her exhaustion.

The other Rangers were still sleeping peacefully, she crept silently around them and down to the main Temple. Princess Shayla wasn't around and didn't appear to be inside the sacred ponds waters either. She must have already left to meet Merrick and the Deer Zord. Lila saw on the picnic table a folded pile of clothing with a note laid on top bearing her name. She picked up the note and read it.


a gift for you, you were always meant to be on this team.

Welcome to the Wild Force Rangers.


Picking up the piece on top, she let it fall open to reveal a jacket. Her very own team jacket. She didn't hesitate and pulled it over her shoulders, zipped it up and ran her hands down her front admiring how light the fabric felt. The jacket had accents of grey down the sides and sleeves which ended at her forearms. It was trimmed with black giving it an athletic feel, and when she looked at her reflection in the pond, she noticed 'Reaping Leviathan' written in large, dark purple cursive across her back. The Princess had also left her a plain, lavender t-shirt, dark grey pants and a beautiful pair of black combat boots. Fitting, as she had been running around the woods thus far in a jump suit and ancient body armor.

Shayla always had the uncanny ability to mother; she was endlessly caring and welcomed all she met with love. It had helped confirm the decision to make her Princess and Guardian of the Wild Zords, and not Queen. Her trusting and kind nature made her too easily swayed. She was selfless, but determined. Emotional and passionate as well, all qualities needed to care for giant, mechanical animals. Meanwhile, Lila was both dutiful and ambitious. Assertive, tactical and well trained with just a touch of explosive fire. The Queen may have been young when crowned, but her devotion and inspiration had rallied the people of Animaria behind her.

The tune of Merrick's flute gently rose, followed shortly by Princess Shayla's voice. Lila buried her hands in the pockets of her jacket and stared out to the plains of the Animarium smiling, a relief of sorts washing over her. The poignancy of receiving her team jacket reflected what she felt inside. A physical change to match her new life, the mark of a Power Ranger to walk with in this new world, the blessings of her newest and oldest friends and Lila embracing all of it with open arms.

The music had changed, she noticed. She at first thought it was Merrick's playing, but he was far too much of a perfectionist to allow his music to sound like that.

Something was disrupting her friend's morning ritual...

Merrick quickly pulled the flute from his mouth hoping to catch what he knew was playing over him, but the foreign song stopped as suddenly as he had.

"Merrick, that sounded awful," Princess Shayla admitted.

"It wasn't me," he explained walking past her. His eyes still searching the sky for the source of the noise.

"Yeah right..." the Princess trailed off. "Look, if you don't want to be here-"

"Whoa, what do you mean?" Merrick turned to face her, confused as to her sudden change of demeanor. Surely, she didn't blame him for ruining their morning.

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