Episode 34 (A) Forever Red (The Dark Side of the Moon)

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"C'mon, a few more!"

It was another gorgeous morning on the Animarium, the sun warming the stone of the Temple floor. Over breakfast, Lila had learned that Princess Shayla had not been practicing her self-defence skills, something she strongly felt the Princess should have always been mandated to do. Appalled, Lila had suggested an immediate training session to not only help Shayla, but also to begin fulfilling the promises she had made to Animus by passing on her fighting skills. It was a strong start that would hopefully instill something in the Princess.

Alyssa had also offered her assistance, already having proficient training in martial arts thanks to her father. Alyssa had eagerly recruited Taylor to join them as well, before banishing Max, Danny and Cole from the Animarium, making plans to meet up with them later by Turtle Lake. The girls had changed their clothes, stretched, and were now practicing high kicks. One pair dealt out kicks while the other two held protective pads.

"I know you can go harder, Shayla, just a couple more," Lila encouraged the Princess.

"It's like- I haven't done this in a millennium," Princess Shayla said between kicks. She joked, but was clearly out of breath, lacking the endurance the others had. She also had the added difficulty of training in a dress. As annoying and cumbersome as it was, it made perfect sense to have it on. If she were to be attacked, she would most likely be wearing it.

"Alright, let's swap out," Lila handed off the pad to the Princess, "we use to train together what- three times a week?"

"Four, I remember because it was the least favourite part of my day," the Princess responded. She hugged the pad close, signaling her readiness to Lila. Lila kicked the pad with a particularly loud crack and motioned for it to be raised higher.

"Well, if you're not going to keep yourself ready, what happens if we can't protect you?" Lila asked. "Let's imagine the worst-case scenario. We're not with you, you can't defend yourself because you didn't train, you end up kidnapped-"

"That already happened," Taylor interjected.

"WHAT?? Who kidnapped you?" Lila stopped mid kick, her foot slamming back to the ground. The Princess felt a bit ashamed as Lila stared at her, eagerly awaiting an explanation.

"Zen Aku," Princess Shayla answered, "does that one really count though? Merrick is my protector. And technically he was with me the entire time, so..." Princess Shayla trailed off. The excuse sounded worse out loud than it did in her head. She might as well have physically shrugged at the end. The girls exchanged looks, smirking between one another.

"No, Princess, sadly that still counts," Alyssa chuckled.

Lila stretched her arms, "Zen Aku... I would've loved to have a piece of that mutt."

"Yes, I'm sure you would've had a lot to say to him. But thankfully, we'll never have to deal with that Org ever again. He's gone for good, and yet, the embarrassment of being kidnapped by him lingers," Princess Shayla disclosed. Taylor walked over to the Princess, putting her arm around her shoulders.

"Don't sweat it, we've all been overpowered before," said Taylor, extending her a kindness. "That's why we practice, never give up. Now, give me a jab, let's go." Taylor goaded the Princess into hitting a pad, who responded by striking it with more effort and ferocity than before.

"And no more getting kidnapped, ever! You're not allowed!!" Lila joked with a laugh.

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