Episode 34 (B) Forever Red (Light up the Night)

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Willie shut off the lights in his office, having just finished up the daily paperwork for the Roadhouse. He thought he'd heard the bell over the front doors chime. He idly checked the nearest clock, wondering who could possibly be coming in just before closing time.

He stepped out into the bar, his face breaking into a wide smile. There was Lila, wearing her usual cheeky grin, her curly hair bouncing as she bounded towards him.


"Hey, there she is!"

The two embraced with Willie hugging her extra tight, finally able to let his worry go of having not seen her for days. She seemed alright, like her usual bubbly self. Whatever had been bothering Merrick and had kept Lila away, must have been something caused by their 'occupation.' Truthfully, Willie didn't care about the details, as long as they eventually ended up back at the Roadhouse, safe and sound.

Lila was too wrapped up in her delight of seeing Willie again, she didn't notice Merrick had come in, stealthily tiptoeing up behind her.

"Hey," he said inches from her ear, causing her to jump and yelp at once.

"Why- do- you- do that??" she hit him on the arm, growling at him between slaps.

"Because it's easy," Merrick admitted slyly, making Lila huff, but also chuckle. She noticed Willie was making his way to the coat rack. He grabbed his jacket and slid it on.

"Hey, it's great to see you, Lila. You be sure to swing by tomorrow, alright? I've got to get to the stores now before they shut. Merrick, could you lock up behind me? It's closing time anyway," Willie started towards the front door with Merrick in tow.

"You got it, buddy, I'll see you tomorrow," Lila said with a wave. He waved back to her, handing Merrick a ring of keys. Before Willie had shut the door, Merrick could've sworn he'd winked at him, but he didn't understand why. He had just locked the door when the familiar clacking of pool balls made him turn. Lila was stood at the pool table, she had set and broken, and was now standing expectantly with a cue ready for him. She tossed it, with him snatching it out of the air effortlessly. Merrick raised an eyebrow at her, knowing Lila to only play pool with him if he asked her very nicely. She wasn't great, he noted how she hadn't sunk a single ball, but she tried her best regardless. He liked that about playing with her.

"Your shot," she said invitingly, "don't hold back. Be fair with me."

He hesitated a bit as he went to line his shot up. Aiming, he sharply pressed the cue forward, hitting not one, but three striped balls, sinking all of them.

"Alright... maybe hold back a little, or this is going to be a short game."

He shrugged with a smile, "I'm stripes, you're solids, but what's not solid is that grip of yours. You need to choke up on the cue a bit to get better control of your shot."

He had walked over and thoughtlessly stood behind her, placing his arms around hers and guiding her hands to hold the cue properly. She didn't stop him, watching him methodically line up her aim for her and move her fingers as he wanted. Shecouldn't help but enjoy a little too much the feeling of being in his arms. He slowly slid his hands off hers but kept himself close.

"You're going to hit that blue ball," he said softly to her, "just aim directly ahead."

"There's a wall ahead," she pointed out sarcastically.

"Yeah, and if you hit it, you'll hit the blue ball next. Work with me here," he insisted. Looking directly at where he had pointed her, she struck the cue ball, finding it much easier now to control her precision and her force. It flew forward, bouncing off the table wall in precisely the right spot, rebounding at the perfect angle to hit the blue ball and send it rolling into a corner pocket.

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