Episode 37 (B) Fishing for a Friend

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Locomotive Org was standing over his fallen foes and laughing heartily.

"I don't know how we can beat this guy..." the Red Ranger was starting to seriously worry for himself and his friends. A white figure suddenly spun through the air, landing before them.

"Jindrax!" the Rangers shared their disbelief at the Duke Orgs appearance.

"A Duke Org! Ooh," Locomotive Org was honored to be in the presence of an Org of higher rank and authority that itself.

"Oh great, just when we thought we couldn't take much more of this," the Lunar Wolf groaned sarcastically from the ground.

"Right? Now we've got two of them to deal with," the Leviathan Ranger added, "what's next, is someone else going to come back from the dead? Because I can barely keep up anymore. We don't stand a chance against them both."

"Be quiet!" Locomotive Org barked at them, "Duke Org, would you like me to destroy them for you?"

Jindrax replied by removing his sword. "No. They are mine."

He pointed the tip of his weapon at the Rangers, taking in the battered group who were still struggling to pick themselves up. He had waited to so long to finally get an advantage over them like this. With a sudden turn, Jindrax slashed at Locomotive Org, landing multiple unrelenting hits making the Org cry out in shock and pain.

"What is he doing?" the Yellow Ranger summed up what everyone thought. They watched in complete awe as Jindrax beat the Locomotive Org around. He then gripped the Orgs arm to wrench it behind his back and hold him in place.

"Rangers! Shoot him! Use your Jungle Blaster, now!"

"I don't get it."

"Jindrax is on our side?"

"Since when?"

"Is that possible?"

"Duke Org! What are you doing?!" Locomotive Org was just as confused as the Wild Force Rangers. Jindrax was wiry and fast, he couldn't shake him off.

"Rangers!" Jindrax called to them, "I can't hold him forever! Do it!"

"Cole," the Yellow Ranger said, grabbing her friend's shoulder. "This could be our only chance. Do you think we can trust him?"

"We don't have much choice," the Red Ranger concluded. Mustering the strength within him, he stood with the others following his lead.

"Jungle Blaster! Ready, Aim, Savage Blast!"

A spinning fireball like a small sun came erupting from the Jungle Blaster towards Locomotive Org. Jindrax had himself positioned safely behind the Orgs large body. He produced Toxica's horn and stuck it into the firing line just before the blast hit the Org. The horn began to vibrate rapidly in his hand, he pulled it away allowing the shot to connect with its target, the blast going off right in Locomotive Orgs face.

The Rangers cheered as the Org fell fast, throwing Jindrax quite a distance when Locomotive Org met his explosive demise. He gasped and shook, only just starting to register that he had succeeded. Toxica's horn was now pulsating with power.

"Thanks for helping us, Jindrax," the White Ranger had spotted him. Her voice conveyed genuine gratitude; she had always been too nice for her own good.

"Ha! Helping you? I was only helping myself!" unbeknownst to the Rangers, Jindrax had brought along another of Toxica's belongings. He produced her staff and started to chant. "Evil spirits of toil and strife, give this fallen Org new life!"

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